Salah-ud-Din terms reports of K-issue being frozen as baseless


Srinagar: United Jihad Council Chairman and Hizb-ul-Mujahideen supremo, Syed Salah-ud-Din, Wednesday termed reports that Kashmir issue will be frozen for next ten years, baseless and media speculations.
In a telephonic interview, Salah-ud-Din said, “It is baseless and mere speculation. It might suit Indian interests, but Pakistan can’t even think about it. Such rumors are being spread to see what will be the response of Kashmiris. We can’t freeze Kashmir issue even for a fraction of second.”
On Pakistan ’s invitation to Hurriyat Conference, he said, “There is no harm if Hurriyat leadership comes here as Pakistan is one of the basic party of the dispute. But talks shouldn’t be for the sake of talks. If talks are held on core issue of Kashmir and it is tripartite and in the background of UN resolutions, there is no harm.”
Asked if such an invitation comes from New Delhi, what should be separatist leaderships response, the UJC Chief said, “Government of India doesn’t accept ground realities of Kashmir while as Pakistan’s stand is that Kashmir is a dispute between the three parties to be resolved in accordance with wishes and aspirations of its people. It is international resolution. If India accepts it also, then there is no problem in entering into a dialogue with India.”
“But India and its seven lakh troops are doing human rights violations in Kashmir and has occupied Kashmir. On one hand you will occupy Kashmir by force, term Kashmir as integral part and on the other you will invite for a dialogue, it is a mismatch. There is no fun to enter in such a process,” he said.
On Pakistan stand of granting Most Favored Nation status to India, the UJC Chairman said, “It is all for international and public consumption. Manmohan Singh and Raza Gilani Sahib praise each other and term each other peace loving. It won’t change the ground reality. Core issue is Kashmir. In last 65 years, three wars have been fought on Kashmir and fourth is on cards if Kashmir isn’t solved. By trading onions and potatoes, Kashmir can’t be solved.”
“In the times of (Pandit Jawahar Lal) Nehru and President Ayub and later in the times of Atal Behari Vajpayee and President Mushraf such talks were being held. Meetings and photo sessions were held without yielding any results,” Salah-ud-Din added.
Asked whether there was any possibility of Hurriyat leaders entering in track II diplomacy mission, Salah-ud-Din said, “I don’t think so. If respected Geelani sahib or other Hurriyat leaders will represent aspirations of Kashmiris in any forum of the world, it is need of the hour and there is no harm in it. But track II exercises have yielded nothing till now. Track II diplomats are trying to bring India and Pakistan closer. But till core issue of Kashmir isn’t addressed, it is never possible.”
On strategy of militants in the dialogue process, the UJC chairman said,“Vietnam, Afghanistan and Iraq everywhere occupational forces vacated only because of armed struggle. In J&K, a coordinated, united political and armed struggle is inevitable. We have said it in past and I say it now. Ground situation is in our favour. For complete withdrawal of Indian troops from J&K, there is need for a statewide armed struggle. Also there is need for statewide political struggle.”
Asked to comment about disunity between separatist leadership, he said, “We have been trying to bring the Hurriyat forum under one platform. Because of the policy of Musharaf regime, the Hurriyat got divided. But now everybody says that unity is inevitable. There is no dispute now. Atleast now there is a change. Both the forums have stopped issuing statements against each other. It is a welcome step.”
“Government of India is afraid of unity between separatist leadership and its agencies are working overtime to keep the leadership divided. That day isn’t far when the leadership will again unite,” he alleged.
Asked whether efforts were on to unite the Hurriyat, he said, “My direct and indirect efforts are to make the Hurriyat united.”
Asked whether Hurriyat leaderships visit to Pakistan would make any headway in uniting two Hurriyats, the Hizb supermo said, “Pakistan is basic party to Kashmir dispute. If they invite separatist leadership, they should come and make aware the Pakistani leadership about the gravity of Kashmir issue. Their visit will be beneficial as consensus will be developed.”
The UJC chief said that there was no scope for unilateral ceasefire from their side, “Not one or two, hundreds of efforts have been made in the past. But talks have yielded nothing. Till root cause isn’t addressed, no crisis can end.
We were neither against talks in past nor will be in future. But we don’t have faith on such meaningless dialogue process. It is an endless futile exercise,” he told said.
Asked to comment on government’s recent statement that militancy has declined by 50 percent, he said, “When we started armed struggle we didn’t announce that we will confront Indian troops face to face, but will engage them in guerilla war. Our fight is a long drawn battle. Sometimes it is in hibernation period. After 9/11 and present world scenario, we have changed our strategy. After 2008, 2009 and 2010 when people came on roads everywhere in Kashmir, we announced to shift the armed actions towards borders only so that army will not fire on civilians in the garb of fighting militants.”
“Our whole attention is towards borders and we have decided not to carry any actions in populated areas. But tomorrow if we feel there is need to confront the troops anywhere, we will not hesitate,” he added.

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