Srinagar: In a breather, the J&K government has decided to announce 10 days preparation holiday for JKBOSE Class 10th, Class 12th Exams.
Minister for Education, Syed Muhammad Altaf Bukhari said the annual examination for both the classes will commence in the first week of November while the holidays will begin from 20 October to 30 October.
“The decision to give 10 days preparation holiday to students has been taken to reduce burden on students so that they can prepare for their annual exams with ease,” Bukhari said.
He said the preparatory test – earlier called as Golden Test – for the students of Class 10th and Class 12th will be conducted in last week of September.
“We don’t want to create any inconvenience for students who are appearing in BOSE exams. Our policy is completely student friendly,” he said.
Meanwhile, officiating chairperson JKBOSE, Veena Pandita, said the date sheet for JKBOSE Class 10th, Class 12th Exams will be notified early next week.
“We will notify date sheet in coming three to four days. But the examination notification will be published on Saturday. Exams will commence from first week of November,” Pandita said.
She said no school authority will be allowed to detain any student after holding preparatory test during last week of September. “That is why we have changed it from Golden Test to preparatory test so that no student will be detained after this exam,” she said.
Government this year has made it mandatory for all the schools to complete 100 percent syllabus and decided that students with less than 90 percent attendance will not be allowed to appear in their annual exams. (GKNN)
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