SRINAGAR — Educated youth working in different government institutes on academic arrangement basis in different colleges of JKUT have blamed Higher Education Department of step-motherly treatment and also accused them of violating the court orders.

“We have no words to express our ordeal, as our voices are not being heard by our own people as we are working on academic arrangement basis in different colleges of JKUT but in colleges of Kashmir province, faculty members are being harassed mentally, and are not being allowed to dispense duties despite the clear directions from honourable High Court of Jammu and Kashmir,” a group of lecturers said while blaming Higher Education Department.

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They added that authorities in Higher Education have completely sabotaged the minds of highly qualified youth of Jammu and Kashmir.

President and Vice-President of JKCCTA said, “We are waiting since 15th of February 2021 for our services to be utilized as Director Colleges has given a written affidavit that status quo is maintained and our services will be utilized. Even they need staff in colleges but they are not utilizing our services and in this way, students have suffered a lot.”

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According to the court orders, “No contractual can replace another contractual,” adding that if this happens, all those Principals, HOD’s will become party in the contempt of court, who have given requisition forward to Nodal college.

While threatening Higher Education Department of starting valley-wide protests, the group of lecturers said, “We are waiting till 12th of April 2021 and if our services will not be utilized, our fraternity will go for mass protest and whatsoever will be the consequences, it’s responsibility will be on Higher Education Department.”

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