Srinagar: On the initiative of Governor N N Vohra, the state’s Social Welfare Department, in a significant decision today, announced hike in the Honorarium of Anganwari Workers and Anganwari Helpers.
According to Secretary Social Welfare, Dr Farooq Ahmad Lone, the honorarium of the Anganwari Workers has been raised to Rs 4100 from the existing Rs 3600 and for Anganwari Helpers to Rs 2200 from the existing Rs 1800.
He said the hike in honorarium of the Anganwari Workers and Helpers would go a long way in fulfilling their long-pending demand.
Dr Lone said the Governor’s Administration has, meanwhile, decided to take a holistic re-look at the existing Anganwari Centres in light of the Government of India norms. He said the review would take into consideration the factors like functioning of the existing system, number of children in each Anganwari Centre, location of the village/hamlet, distance between nearest Anganwari Centres, future demand and other related issues.
Dr Lone said the review shall be anchored by the Finance Department in coordination with the Social Welfare Department. He said till the time the review is completed there will be no fresh engagement in the Anganwari Centres.
There are presently, 32960 Anganwari Centres in the State, out of which 29599 are functional, he said. (KNS)
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