SRINAGAR — Jammu and Kashmir has recorded an impressive improvement of sex ratio at birth from 923 to 976 while neonatal mortality rate and infant mortality rate are on the decline.
According to the annual report 2020-21 of the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA), a copy of which is with the news agency Kashmir News Observer (KNO), the Jammu & Kashmir Health Scheme has been approved for the UT of J&K in convergence with Ayushman Bharat-Pradhan Mantri Jani Arogya Yojana (AB-PMJAY) to provide free of cost insurance cover up to 25 lakhs per household per year.
“In order to meet the additional requirement of Medical Oxygen facilities in the prevailing situation of COVID-19, the Government of Jammu and Kashmir has started installation of Oxygen Generation Plants/Manifold Gas Pipeline system in 37 COVID dedicated Health institutions at a cost of 2223.80 crores under Capital Expenditure (CAPEX) Budget 2020-21,” said the report.
“Besides, the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Gol has provided 908 additional ventilators for various hospitals of the UT in view of the COVID-19 pandemic,” it added.
“A multipronged strategy was adopted by the Government of Jammu & Kashmir for revamping the health sector by way of improving health care delivery services, up-gradation of health infrastructure, improvement in supply chain mechanism and reforms in Medical and Nursing Education. This has led to the overall improvement of the key health indicators of the UT of J&K over the years,” it said.
It added, “The Neonatal Mortality Rate (NNMR) of J&K has reached single digit at 9.8 per 1000 live births, recording a 13.3 points decrease and Infant Mortality Rate (IMR) has declined to 16.3 with a decrease of 16 points.”
“Under-Five Mortality Rate (U5MR) has declined to 18.5 with a decrease of 19 points and Sex Ratio at birth has also recorded an improvement from 923 to 976,” it said.
“Antenatal Check-ups (ANC) of pregnant mothers in the first trimester have increased from 76.7% to 86.6% and Institutional births have increased from 85.5% to 92.4%,” it added.
“Percentage of fully immunized children (12-23 months) against vaccine-preventable diseases has increased to 96.5% which is the second-highest in the country and Life Expectancy at Birth in J&K has reached 74 years, which is highest in the country after Kerala and Delhi, while the national average is 69.4 years,” it said.
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