SRINAGAR — More than two months have passed and the Jammu & Kashmir Service Selection Board (SSB) has failed to declare the result of Class IV posts even as government had called it a fast track recruitment.
Scores of candidates who appeared in the test have questioned the delay in results.
Almost 3.3 lakh students who appeared in the OMR-based test for Class IV recruitment are waiting for the results from the past 80 days.
Exams were conducted on February 27, 28 and March 1 while JKSSB chairman had told media that the results would be declared in around 15 days.
On the other hand, results of posts for migrant Pandits under the Prime Minister’s Special Recruitment Package programme and their selection list was declared in 20 days after the examination was held.
“Our queries go unattended and unanswered by JKSSB. They are not even responding to us. Many of us were working in private firms. We left our jobs and prepared for the exam. We are jobless right now because we are expecting our names in the selection list,” the anxious job seekers said.
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