Government withdraws security cover of separatist leaders

Mirwaiz Umar Farooq (L) Abdul Ghani Bhatt (C) and Bilal Ghani Loan (R) leaders of separatist alliance Hurriyat Conference (M)
Mirwaiz Umar Farooq (L) Abdul Ghani Bhatt (C) and Bilal Ghani Loan (R) leaders of separatist alliance Hurriyat Conference

SRINAGAR — The Government has issued orders withdrawing all security and any government facilities provided to the separatist leaders – Mirwaiz Umar Farooq, Abdul Ghani Bhat, Bilal Lone, Hashim Qureshi and Shabir Shah.

All security and any vehicles provided to them will stand withdrawn by today evening. No security forces or cover should be provided, under any pretext, to them or any other separatists.

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If they have any other facilities provided by Government, they are to be withdrawn forthwith.

PHQ will review if there are any other separatists who have Government security or facilities and will withdraw these immediately.

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Meanwhile, Hurriyat Conference (M) spokesman said that the Government and its ‘propagandist anti-Kashmir’ media had repeatedly been racking up the issue of police personnel provided to resistance leadership to politicize.

“Knowing fully well it has no bearing nor can it in any way change the reality of the lingering Kashmir dispute or the situation on ground or our principled stand and outlook regarding its resolution,” he said, adding, “With or without these police personnel at Hurriyat residence, all remains the same.”

In a statement, Hurriyat (M) spokesman said whenever the issue has been made centre stage, Mirwaiz has repeatedly said from the pulpit of Jamia Masjid that the Government can withdraw it.

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Spokesman said that the Hurriyat leaders had never asked for it. Infact, it was the government that insisted on keeping the personnel based on what they said was their assessment of threat perception.

APHC said that it was the Government decision at that time to keep it, today it’s their decision to remove it. It’s not an issue for us. (KNS)

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