Jungle Smuggling - Forest - Cutting Trees
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SHOPIAN — The lockdown is proving a boon for the jungle smugglers as they are looting the green gold at will in length and breadth of Kashmir Valley.

Reports said that smugglers in different compartments of Shopian forests are chopping down tall and green trees without any hindrance from the concerned department.

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Local sources said that smugglers have looted and destroyed the Kashmir wealth since the enforcement of this lockdown.

“Smuggling is going on at an alarming rate in compartment number 27 to 31. Green long trees are being cut down and ferried on horses in broad day light,” locals of Keller Forest Block said.

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A local activist Chowdhary Showkat Ahmad Kalas said besides compartment number 27 to 31, smugglers have destroyed the green gold at forest places like Donaru, Kathohalan, Pehlipora and Gaddar. He said forest employees as well as officials are in deep slumber and have left these forests on the mercy of God.

The local activist said that from past two decades, the forest cover of south Kashmir’s Shopian district has shrunk considerably in wake of unabated jungle smuggling.

“The complaints you file go to deaf ears. Action is being taken only when some smugglers attack forest officials, rest you know, these officials don’t bother to stop this smuggling and in fact are hand in glove with these smugglers,” said another social activist, Magray Mansoor.

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Ironically, Divisional Forest Officer Shopian, Muhammad Ayoub admitted that smugglers are taking advantage of the present lockdown and have chopped down trees at various places.

“Our Field Staff is there and is assessing the damage,” he said, adding that at different places they have recovered smuggled timber from vehicles at different locations.

As usual, Divisional Forest Officer Shopian claimed that action will be initiated against Jungle smugglers.

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