SRINAGAR — Police this evening said that a YouTube channel based in Narwaw, Sheeri area of north Kashmir’s Baramulla district had uploaded a video, replicating/enacting a recent encounter which was further circulated on WhatsApp group created by some youths of Fatehgarh.
The incident received quick attention of Baramulla Police and 46 Rashtriya Rifles, the youth involved were identified & caught within no time. “The video was deleted immediately from YouTube handle, ensuring timely containment of radical thoughts,” police said.
Police said that during the investigation, it came to the light that the YouTube channel has been uploading videos on various social problems which include Drug Menace and other social problems.
“The subscribers of their channel were on rise, and in the mad race for more subscription, they uploaded the inappropriate content that could provoke radical ideas,” it added.
“It was then decided to counsel the youth, keeping in view their young age. Accordingly, the parents/guardians were called and were counselled by SSP Baramulla, Rayees Mohammad Bhat, and were advised to keep a check on the activities of their wards, so that they do not fall prey to false propaganda,” the police said.
Police statement further said, “The police have released the individuals, considering it as inadvertent act not amounting to sedition, however, has cleared its stand that such acts will not be tolerated and will be dealt in accordance to the law.”
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