SRINAGAR — A Srinagar Court on Saturday issued a bailable warrant against Dr Ab Bari Naik, sacked Assistant Professor, in connection with a case of posting “defamatory” videos against Dr Maroof Qadri, Director Information Technology, Kashmir University.
Dr Naik has allegedly posted a series of videos on his Facebook page, questioning the qualification of the Director IT, Kashmir University besides accusing him of gifting mobile phones and laptops to the officers to obtain undue favours. The accused is also alleged to be using the words like “Chour, Thug, Mafia” against Maroof Qadri.
The warrant was issued in connection with a defamation case filed by Dr Maroof Qadri, alleging the videos uploaded by the accused Dr Bari Naik are aimed to defame and ridicule him and lower his reputation in society.
Aasif Wani, Counsel who appeared for the complainant Director, argued that the complainant has rendered revolutionary services in the field of Information Technology and his expertise and excellence in the subject have earned him appreciation from not only the Vice Chancellors, who have headed the University from time to time but also from the high-ranking officials of the government.
The Counsel also referred to various certificates and documents, arguing that the complainant has climbed the career ladder on the basis of merit, efficiency and unparalleled devotion to the work.
“The false and unfounded statements made in the videos have caused huge damage to the reputation of the complainant… Levelling such unfounded allegations and portraying the complainant as the devil is akin to inciting unemployed youth against the complainant, thus putting his personal safety at risk,” argued Aasif Wani, Advocate appearing for the complainant.
Feroz Ahmad Khan, Forest Magistrate/JMIC, Srinagar after hearing the Counsel for the complainant and after watching the video in the open, concluded that there is sufficient ground for proceeding against the accused person.
The Court in its order, according to the news agency KDC, said, “I am of the considered opinion that there is sufficient ground for proceeding against the accused person for the commission of an offence under section 499 read with section 500 IPC. Accordingly, registry is directed to issue a bailable warrant to the tune of Rs 50,000/- forwarding the same to SHO Police Station Kulgam for early execution and return for the presence of the accused.”
Pertinently, Dr Naik, who was an assistant professor of Geography posted at Government Degree College Women in Udhampur, was last year dismissed from his services for his alleged anti-national activities by the Lt Governor-led administration.
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