JKPSC Recruitment 2016 for Lecturers


JKPSC requires lecturers in Indra Gandhi Government Dental College, Jammu / Government Dental College, Srinagar (Health & Medical Education Department).

This recruitment is carried under Indra Gandhi Government Dental College, Jammu – IInd Special Drive.

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Category Wise breakup of the Posts:

Item No.Name of the DisciplineOMRBASCSTALCSLCTotal
073Lecturer Periodontics0101

Government Dental College, Srinagar – IInd Special Drive

Item No.Name of the DisciplineOMRBASCSTALCSLCTotal
074Lecturer Prosthodontics including Dental Material.0101
075Lecturer Orthodontics0101

Prescribed Qualification:

Item No.QualificationExperience
073 to 075Master’s Degree or equivalent in the concerned specialty recognized by the Dental Council of India02 years teaching experience as Registrar / Demonstrator / Tutor
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Age as on 1st January 2016: Maximum: 40 Years | Minimum: 18 Years
⇒ Candidates already in-service: 40 Years
⇒ Physically Challenged candidates: 42 Years
⇒ Candidates belonging to RBA / SC / ST / ALC / SLC categories: 43 Years
⇒ Ex-serviceman: 48 Years

Note: Over-aged candidates having exceptional qualification relevant to the concerned subject may also apply at their own risk and responsibility without prejudice to the right of the Commission to reject their Application Form.

Scheme of selection: The scheme of selection shall be notified separately.

Examination Fee: After successful submission of the form online, a challan will be generated indicating the basic details of the candidate which inter-alia shall indicate the amount of fee to be deposited in the J&K Bank branch as given below:

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General Category = Rs. 505.00Reserved Categories = Rs. 255.00

The total amount of fee payable shall include Rs. 05/- as service charges of the J&K Bank.

Centre of Examination: The Examination will be held at different centres located in Srinagar and Jammu cities. The allotment of centres shall be at the sole discretion of the Commission and once a centre is allotted to a candidate, request for change of centre will neither be entertained nor will the Commission respond to request for change of centre.

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