JKPSC Recruitment 2019 for 58 Assistant Engineer Posts

JKPSC Recruitment 2019 for 58 Assistant Engineer Posts

SRINAGAR — Jammu & Kashmir Public Service Commission has announced the JKPSC Recruitment 2019 for 58 Assistant Engineer Posts.

The posts of Assistant Engineer (Electrical) in Power Development Department in reference to Notification No. PDD/HRM/05/2019; Dated: 22-02-2019 have been advertised through Notification No. 07-PSC (DR-P) of 2019; Dated: 26-04-2019.

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Applications through online mode are, therefore, invited from the permanent residents of Jammu & Kashmir State possessing the prescribed academic/professional qualifications and age for the posts of Assistant Engineer (Electrical) in Power Development Department as per the category-wise break-up tabulated below:

Item No.Name of the DisciplineOMRBASCSTALCSLCTotal
47Assistant Engineer (Electrical)4006050601Nil58

Note: Clarification regarding the applicability of horizontal reservation with regard to PHC/Ex-Servicemen has been sought from the Administrative Department vide Letter No. PSC/DR/AE/Electric/PDD/2019; Dated: 12-03-2019 and same shall be applicable to the instant advertisement as per the clarification of the Administrative Department.

The posts carry the pay scale of Rs. 50,700-1,60,600 (Level-8A).


The Commission has developed an online Application Form. The Application Form together with instructions for filling up the Application Forms will be available at the website of the Commission from 28-04-2019.

Candidates are advised to go through the instructions and all the eligibility conditions prescribed for the post before filing the online Application Form.

Last date for filing of online Application complete in all respects along with the requisite fee (online mode only) is 28-05-2019.

The last date for receipt of online applications provided in notification shall be the cutoff date for determining the eligibility.

Candidates will also be required to submit a hard copy of the downloaded online application form alongwith online fee receipt and the other requisite documents within two days after depositing fee in the Office of the PSC Complex located at Resham Garh Colony, Jammu or Solina, Srinagar as the case may be. The hard copies should be properly bound and page numbered and should contain an, index of the documents enclosed.

The Commission will not be responsible for any postal/courier delays after the above prescribed last date.

Prescribed Qualification: Bachelor’s Degree in the relevant branch of Engineering of AMIE Section (A&B) India in the appropriate branch of Engineering.

Note: The Power Development Department has communicated vide Letter No. PDD/VI/SL/59/97-PF; Dated: 31-05-2018, the recommendations / observations of the technical committee which read as under:

i. BE/B.Tech Electrical Engineering may be considered as equivalent to B.E/B.Tech Electrical and Computer Engineering / Electrical and Electronics (Power System) / Electrical and Electronics Engineering / Electrical and Electronics Engineering (Sandwiched) / Electrical and Instrumentation Engineering / Electrical Engineering (Electronics & Power) / Electrical Engineering Industrial Control / Electrical Instrumentation and Control Engineering / Electrical, Electronics and Power Engineering / Electronics and Computer Science Engineering / Electronics and Electrical Engineering.

ii. Post Graduation (M.E/M.Tech in Energy Management may be accepted, as the same is relevant in the Department, provided that the candidate must have Bachelors Degree in Engineering in any of the Trades mentioned at Part I.

Age as on 1st January 2019:
Minimum = 18 Years
Maximum = 40 Years
Physically Challenged candidates = 42 Years
Candidates belonging to RBA / SC / ST / ALC / SLC categories = 43 Years
Ex-serviceman = 48 Years

Note: Over-aged candidates having exceptional qualification relevant to the concerned subject may also apply at their own risk and responsibility without prejudice to the right of the Commission to reject their Application Form, provided that over-aged candidates shall not be considered when other eligible candidates are otherwise available.

Examination Fee: After successful submission of the online form, the candidate will be required to deposit requisite fee through online mode. The amount of fee to be paid is given below:

General Category = Rs. 800
Reserved Categories = Rs. 400
PHC Candidates = Nil

Necessary Instructions: The necessary instructions regarding filling up of online applications for JKPSC Recruitment 2019 for 58 Assistant Engineer Posts are given herein below:

a) Candidates are required to apply online through the website of the Commission i.e., http://www.jkpsc.nic.in. No other means / mode of application shall be accepted.

b) Candidates are first required to go to the JKPSC website and click on the link “One Time Registration” or click on Login menu if you have already created your profile with the JKPSC.

c) After logging into your account, candidates are required to fill all the requisite fields of One Time Registration (OTR) i.e., personal information, contact information & educational qualification, service details and uploading of documents etc.

d) The candidate shall also be required to upload the images of recent photograph and signature. Photograph image must mention the date in which it is taken.

e) Size of the photograph (passport size) and signature must be between 10kb to 20kb in *.jpeg or *.jpg only.

f) After successful submission of all the details in your OTR account, check the eligibility conditions as mentioned in the advertisement notification before applying for the post.

g) Click on the “Show Jobs” as shown against the respective post / examination you want to apply.

h) On Clicking on the “Show Jobs”, a window will appear on your computer screen. Select the month of the advertisement notification for which you want to apply, a link(s) for the post(s) will appear on the computer screen.

i) An “APPLY” button is shown against the respective post and the candidates will click on the APPLY button against the post he/she is eligible.

j) On clicking “APPLY” button, an instruction window will appear. Candidates should read instructions carefully before clicking on “APPLY” button at the bottom of the webpage.

k) On clicking “APPLY” button, the system will display all facts / particulars that a candidate have mentioned while filling up the necessary fields of his/her OTR account.

l) Once the candidate is satisfied about the filled in details, then, he or she may click on “SUBMIT” button to finally push the data into server with successful submission report, which he or she can print. In case, a candidate feels that the fields / data filled are/is wrong then he or she will be required to edit the details by pressing the EDIT button, until he or she is satisfied about the correctness of the information required to be filled in the desired fields.

m) Note that the Online Application Form for JKPSC Recruitment 2019 for 58 Assistant Engineer Posts once submitted cannot be edited.

n) On successful submission of the online application, a window will open with a link to print application form.

o) Candidates have to pay the requisite fee through online mode only in the “SUBMITTED APPLICATIONS” menu in your account.

p) After successful payment of the fee, the fee status with transaction details will be reflected on the Online Application form. Candidates must check the fee status by clicking on the “Print Application” button in the “Submitted Applications” menu in your JKPSC account.

In case the payment status shows either “not submitted or under processing or status has not been reflected on your submitted application form”, candidate(s) are advised to contact the JKPSC Office at Solina / Resham Ghar Colony Jammu immediately for clarification. Further, where the online fee is paid through other service providers, the candidates must ensure that not only the amount of fee is debited from his/her service provider’s Account but also credited into the official account of JKPSC.

q) Submission of fee payment shall not be accepted / entertained after cut-off date fixed for the advertisement notification.

r) Please note that the above procedure is the only valid procedure for applying. No other mode of application or incomplete steps would be accepted and such applications would be rejected.

OTHER INFORMATION / INSTRUCTION: All applicants must fulfill the essential requirement of the post and other conditions stipulated in the advertisement. They are advised to satisfy themselves before applying that they possess the essential qualification prescribed for the post. No enquiry for advice as to eligibility will be entertained.

i. The prescribed qualifications are minimum and mere possession of the same does not entitled the candidates to be called for interview. Further, the summoning of candidates for interview shall convey no assurance, whatsoever, that they will be selected. Appointment order of the selected candidates will be issued by the Government in accordance with the availability of the vacancies.

ii. Selection of the candidates shall be made in accordance with rule 40(ii) & 51 of J&K Public Service Commission Business & Procedure Rule, 1980 as amended from time to time.

iii. Provided that the candidate(s) who have secured marks equal to those secured by the last candidate, shall also be called for the Interview over and above the number of candidates shortlisted.

iv. In a situation, when a reserved category candidate secures, merit equal to or above the cut off merit, in open category, such candidates shall also be called for interview in the respective category.

v. The place of interview/centre for screening test once chosen by the candidate shall not be changed.

vi. The summoning of candidates for interview conveys no assurance, whatsoever that they will be selected. Appointment orders to selected candidates will be issued by the Government.

vii. The candidate must be healthy and physically fit. If selected he/she shall be authority as the Government may be require.

viii. Candidates will be informed of the result of their applications in due course of time and any interim enquiries about the result are, therefore, unnecessary and will not attended to. The Commission shall not enter into any correspondence with the candidates about reasons for their non-selection for interview/appointment.

ix. Canvassing, in any form, shall disqualify a candidate from JKPSC Recruitment 2019 for 58 Assistant Engineer Posts.

Action against Candidates found guilty of Misconduct: Candidates are warned that they should not furnish any particulars that are false or suppress any material information.

While submitting hard copy of the application in the Commission, candidates are warned that they should, in no case, alter or otherwise temper with any entry in a document or its attested/certified copy submitted by them, nor should they submit a tampered/fabricated document.

If there is any inaccuracy or discrepancy between two or more such documents or their attested /certified copies, an explanation regarding this discrepancy should be furnished.

A candidate who is, or has been, declared by the Commission, to be guilty of:

i. Obtaining by wrongful support of his/her candidature by any means, or

ii. Impersonating, or

iii. Procuring impersonation by any person, or

iv. Submitting fabricated documents or documents which have been tampered with or

v. Making statements which are incorrect, or false or suppressing material information, or

vi. Resorting to any other irregular or improper means in connection with his/her candidature for the selection, or

vii. Using unfair means during the test, or

viii. Writing irrelevant matter including obscene language or pornographic matter, in the script(s), or

ix. Misbehaving in any other manner in the examination hall, or

x. Harassing or doing bodily harm to the staff employed by the Commission for the conduct of their test, or

xi. Attempting to commit or, as the case may be, abetting the Commission of all or any of the acts specified in the foregoing clauses may, in addition to rendering himself/herself liable to criminal prosecution, shall be liable;

(a) To be debarred by the Commission for appearing in the examination, and/or
(b) To be debarred either permanently or for a specified period:
(i) By the Commission from any examination or selection held by them.
(ii) By the State Government from any employment under them.
(C) If he/she is already in the service under Government, disciplinary action under the rules.

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