JKWDC Recruitment 2018 for 19 Permanent Posts


Srinagar: Jammu and Kashmir State Women’s Development Corporation has announced the JKWDC Recruitment 2018 for 19 Permanent Posts.

The JKWDC Recruitment 2018 for 19 Permanent Posts was announced through Advertisement Notice No. 01-JKWDC of 2018; Dated: 29-05-2018.

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Online applications are, therefore, invited from eligible candidates for participating in the selection process for the 19 State, Divisional and District cadre posts shown against Item Code No. mentioned below:

JKWDC Recruitment 2018 for 19 Permanent Posts - Post-Wise Details

Eligibility: Only those candidates are eligible for these State, Divisional and District cadre posts who:

(i) Are Permanent residents of J&K State.

(ii) Are having age as on 01-01-2018:
(i) Not below 18 years; and
(ii) Not above:
(a) 40 years in case of Open Merit.
(b) 43 years in case of SC / ST / RBA / ALC / OSC candidates.
(c) 42 years in case of Physically Challenged candidates.
(d) 40 years in case of candidates in Government Service / Contractual employees.

(iii) Are in possession of the prescribed academic / professional / technical qualifications and fulfill all other eligibility conditions wherever required as shown against each Post / Item by or before the last date of submission of application forms i.e, 24-06-2018.

(iv) There shall be a combined evaluation on the basis of Academic Merit and Written Test as under:

⇒ 90% weight-age will be given to Written Examination (90 Marks)
⇒ 10% weight-age shall be given to Academic Merit (10 Marks on pro-rata basis)

The above distribution, however, will not be applicable to the post of Company Secretary and Junior Assistant.

In case of Company Secretary, 10% weight-age shall be awarded to basic requirement of being a member of ICSI. In respect of Junior Assistant, out of 10 marks for academic period, 05 marks shall be for basic qualification on pro-rata basis and 05 marks for 06 months diploma in Computer Application.

(v) Have deposited a fee of Rs. 300/- (Rupees Three Hundred only) through online mode i.e, Debit Cards, Credit Cards, Net Banking, etc.

(vi) Candidates who are eligible for applying for more than one post are required to apply separately for each post.

Important Instructions: The necessary instructions regarding filling up of online applications for JKWDC Recruitment 2018 for 19 Permanent Posts are given herein below:

♦ Candidate need to register only once. Multiple accounts aren’t required for multiple posts.
♦ Candidate can apply for multiple posts from one single candidate account.
♦ Candidate can check all his/her applied posts in a single candidate account.
♦ Candidate can pay fees, download application form for all posts from a single candidate account.

i. Candidates are required to apply online through JKWDC website: www.jkwdc.com. No other means/mode of application will be accepted.

ii. Applicants are first required to go to the JKWDC website and click on the link “Online Application”.

iii. Applicants are advised to check their eligibility for a particular Post/Item Number by clicking on the Post/Item Number name before applying online.

iv. Candidates can apply online by clicking on the “Apply” button shown on the JKWDC website (www.jkwdc.com/page/job.aspx). All the fields in the online application format should be filled up carefully.

v. On clicking “Apply” button, Examination Portal for JKWDC will open where you can find all the information regarding recruitment process like Notification, Syllabus etc.

vi. Click on “Apply Online” link provided in important links section of examination portal.

vii. On clicking “Apply Online” link, a recruitment page will open containing all the information regarding notification and available posts.

viii. Every candidate has to register before applying for any post by clicking on “Register” link available at the bottom of the recruitment page.

ix. On clicking “Register” link, a registration page will open asking basic details like Name, Father’s/Husband’s Name, DoB, Gender, Contact Information, Email ID etc.

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x. After successful registration, candidate will receive his/her login details through email. Candidates are advised to fill their working email address during registration otherwise they will not receive their login details.

xi. After receiving their login details, candidates can login to their account by clicking on Candidate login link provided at top right corner on the examination portal.

xii. After logging in, candidate dashboard will open containing three links DASHBOARD, NOTIFICATIONS, MY APPLICATIONS provided at the left side of the page.

xiii. DASHBOARD contains candidate information, NOTIFICATIONS contain notification information and posts available to apply, MY APPLICATIONS contains all the information of the posts that candidate has applied for.

xiv. Go to Notifications page and click on “Apply” button available at right hand side of the post you want to apply.

xv. On clicking “Apply” button, an instruction window is shown. Candidates should read instructions carefully before clicking on proceed button at the bottom of the webpage.

xvi. On clicking “Proceed” button, system asks for candidate’s personal information including ‘Name, Father’s/Husband’s Name, Category, DoB, Gender, Marital Status, Contact Information, Email ID, Qualification Details, and other relevant information.

xvii. The candidate is required to upload the images of recent photograph and signature. Images to be uploaded should be only in (*jpeg, *jpg). Size of the signature must be between 10 kB to 20 kB.

xviii. Click on “Submit” button at bottom of the page, it will display all facts/particulars that you have mentioned on entry time. If you are sure with the filled details, then click on “I Confirm” button to finally push data into the server. Otherwise, you can modify your details by clicking on “Edit Info” button.

xix. Candidates cannot edit their applications after submission.

xx. After clicking on “I Confirm”, candidates will receive their application details like Application/Registration No, etc on their registered Mobile No. & Email through SMS & Email respectively.

xxi. After that, candidate will be redirected to payment page where he/she can pay the application fee of Rs. 300/- (Rupees Three Hundred Only) through online mode only. Candidates can pay their fees later by clicking on pay later link provided.

xxii. Candidates can go to My Applications page to pay their fees later. They can also print their respective application form from there but only after fee payment is complete for that specific post.

xxiii. After successful fee payment, candidate can print their fee payment receipt.

xxiv. Candidates should ensure that their personal Email ID (as specified in the online application form while applying for any post) is kept active during the currency of a recruitment project.

xxv. Submission of fee payment shall not be accepted / entertained after cut-off date fixed for the advertisement notification.

xxvi. Candidates should not submit a printout of the application / fee payment receipt (CBS Challan) to Corporation at this stage.

xxvii. Please note that the above procedure is the only valid procedure for applying. No other mode of application or incomplete steps would be accepted and such applications would be rejected.

xxviii. The application print-out along with the fee payment receipt and required copies of documents should be kept ready for submission if shortlisted for interview.

The in-service candidates / contractual employees shall submit photocopy of filled online application form.

Other Details: Other important details regarding JKWDC Recruitment 2018 for 19 Permanent Posts are provided below:

The last date for the submission of online application forms as prescribed above shall be the cutoff date for determining the eligibility to apply for the post. The age limit, however, is determinable with reference to the 1st of January, 2018. Any qualification / experience acquired after last date of receipt / submission of online application form i.e, 24-06-2018 shall not be taken into account for any purpose.

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The prescribed qualifications reflect the bare minimum requirement of the job and mere possession thereof shall not entitle a candidate to be called for Written Test / Interview and also grant weight-age to the higher qualification in relevant line / discipline as may be decided by the Corporation.

Call letters shall not be issued individually; however, Corporation shall give wide publicity through print and electronic media, official website of the Corporation about the Venues, Dates of the Written Test / Interview for the information of eligible candidates. No claim of being unaware of the dates / schedule for written test / interview shall be entertained.

The candidate must produce the original qualification / category certificates / Bonafide certificates, in case of qualifications obtained outside the J&K State, before the Committee constituted for Oral Test or as and when the Corporation may call such documents so that their eligibility for participation in the Physical / Type / Written Test / Interview is verified.

Any candidate who fails to produce the relevant original documents / testimonials on the scheduled date shall not be allowed to appear in the written / oral test.

All the posts are transferrable and regular inter district / provincial transfer shall be affected by the Corporation for administrative efficiency and accountability.

No TA / DA will be paid for participation in the written test / interview for JKWDC Recruitment 2018 for 19 Permanent Posts.

In terms of SRO 202 of 2015 read with Government Order No. 912-GAD; Dated: 30-06-2012, further prescribed / notified as:

i) Appointment would be on regular basis from the date of appointment.

ii) A person appointed under these rules shall be initially on probation for a period of five years and after completion of five years, his service shall be declared as permanent.

iii) The person appointed against the post in rural and far flung areas of the State shall have to necessarily work for a period of five years on the post against which he/she has been appointed and such appointee shall not be eligible for transfer for whatsoever reason during the temporary service of five years.

iv) The person appointed against any available vacancy on the basis of being a resident of backward area or an area adjoining Line of Actual Control shall serve in such areas for a period of not less than seven years as provided under Sub Section (2) of Section Reservation Act, 2004.

v) During the period of first five years, the appointee shall be entitled to the minimum of scale of pay along with the grade pay applicable to the post against which he/she is appointed.

vi) Every appointee shall, after completion of five years period on probation, be entitled to fixation of pay in the time scale of pay applicable to the post against which he/she is appointed. The persons appointed under these rules shall be entitled to Annual Increments, Dearness Allowance, House Rent Allowance and City Compensation Allowance after successful completion of their five years service on consolidated salary.

vii) These appointees shall be entitled to the benefits under the Medical Attendance Rules and Leave Rules from the date of their appointment.

viii) The seniority of persons appointed under these rules shall reckon from the date of their appointment.

ix) The period spent on probation / consolidated salary shall also reckon for purposes of calculating the qualifying service of these appointees for service benefits provided under the service rules of the Corporation.

x) Other conditions of service like Age, Qualification, Discipline, Conduct and other allied matters, a person appointed under these rules shall be governed by the service recruitment rules of the Corporation.

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