General Departmental Competitive Examination (GDCE) for selection to the Post of Goods Guard & ASM in Pay Band 5200-20200 with Grade Pay 2800/- (Prerevised) over Northern Railway. The important details for this recruitment is provided in this post.

Name of Vacancy: Goods Guard
No. of Vacancies: 102 Posts
Pay Scale: Rs. 5200 – 20200/-
Grade Pay: Rs. 2800/-
Name of Vacancy: Assistant Station Master
No. of Vacancy: 168 Posts
Pay Scale: Rs. 5200 – 20200/-
Grade Pay: Rs. 2800/-

Eligibility Criteria

Story continues below advertisement

Education: All interested candidates should have completed Graduation or its equivalent qualification from a recognized University.

Age: Applicants’ age should be between 18 to 42 years as on 01 January, 2017. Age relaxations will be applicable as per the rules.

Selection Procedure: Selection will be made on the basis of candidates’ performance in various rounds of selection. The various rounds of selections are:

01. Written Examination

02. Physical Test

03. Aptitude Test

04. Medical Examination

The last date to apply for this recruitment process is 20th January. 2017.

The Detailed Advertisement Notification is given below:
Notification (GDCE) No. : 03/2016/GDCE
General Departmental Competitive Examination (GDCE) for selection to the Post of Goods Guard & ASM in Pay Band Rs. 5200-20200 with Grade Pay Rs. 2800/- (Prerevised) over Northern Railway
(For Serving Regular Railway Employees of NR including Rail Coach Factory Kapurthala, Modern Coach Factory Raibareilly and  Diesel Component Workshop Patiala)
RPF/RPSF Staff are not eligible to apply.

Date & Time of Opening (ONLINE)Date & Time of Closing (ONLINE)
21-12-201617:00 hrs. of 20.01.2017

1. In terms of the instructions issued vide Railway Board’s letter No. E(NG)I-92/PM 2/16 Dated:20.08.1993(RBE No.129/1993) and other instructions issued from time to time, applications are hereby invited by Railway Recruitment Cell (RRC), DLI from the serving regular employees of Divisions/Units/Workshops/Headquarters of Northern Railway, Rail Coach Factory Kapurthala, Modern Coach Factory Raibareilly and Diesel Component Workshop Patiala as per the given eligibility for filling up post Pay Band 5200-20200 with Grade Pay 2800/-(Prerevised) through General Departmental Competitive Examination (GDCE).

Applicants can Register for GDCE Examination within the stipulated date and time as per the instructions given in the notification. Merely Registering/filling up ONLINE application (Part-I) on RRC website does not entitle the candidate being eligible to call for Written Examination/Selection Process. Candidature of the applicant shall only be considered after printout of the ONLINE filled in application (Part-I) with duly filled Part-II of the Application as per the given instruntions in notifiaction is received in RRC/NR Office through proper channel.

2. Vacancies, Essential Educational Qualification and the Medical Fitness classification.

Sr. No.Name of the PostPB & GP(in )URSCSTOBCTotalMedical ClassificationEssential Educational Qualification
1Goods Guard5200-20200 + 2800 GP (Prerevised)66160614102Aye-TwoUniversity Degree or its equivalent.
2ASM5200-20200 + 2800 GP (Prerevised)106211328168Aye-TwoUniversity Degree or its equivalent. Diploma in Rail Transport and Management from the Institute of Rail Transport will be additional desirable qualification.

3.1 Zone of Consideration : Only serving regular Railway employees of Northern Railway, Rail Coach Factory Kapurthala, Modern Coach Factory Raibareilly and Diesel Component Workshop Patiala who are drawing regular Grade Pay not more than 2800/-(Excluding MACP) are eligible.
RPF/RPSF Personnel are not eligible to apply.

3.2 EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION : Candidates should posses the prescribed educational qualification (as indicated above) from recognized Board/University/Institute as on the date of Notification. Those awaiting results of the final examination need NOT apply.

3.3 AGE LIMIT : The maximum age limit for appearing in the GDCE will be 42 years for General candidates, 45 years for OBC candidates and 47 for SC/STcandidates reckoned as on 01.01.2017

3.4 MEDICAL FITNESS : The candidates should be FIT in Aye Two Medical Classification.


5.1 Applications should be registered ONLINE by filling up the required details in the prescribed format (Part-I) on website duly following the steps and instructions as mentioned at Para 7 of this Notification carefully. Printout of the ONLINE filled Application (Part-I) with duly completed Part-II of the Application must be submitted with required enclosures to the superviser incharge under acknowldgement for onward submission to Personnel/Establishment Officer as per the time schedule given in para 8.

5.2 In case any Candidate has any difficulty in registering their applications ONLINE, they are free to contact the following help line numbers from 10:00 to 17:00 hrs on all working days from where they can get all assistance in filling up/ registering their applications.

1. 9821418241                         2. 9821418242
3. 9821827724                         4. 9971419661

5.3 Candidates are advised in their own interest to register their applications ONLINE well before the closing date and time to avoid hassels like inability/ failure to log on the website. on account of heavy load.

6. Last date/ time for ONLINE registration is 20.01.2017/17:00 hrs. RRC/DLI will not bear any responsibility if the candidates are not able to register applications ONLINE within the last date/time, for any reason whatsoever.

7. Steps to be followed while registering the ONLINE Application

a) Click on the “GDCE ONLINE/E-Application” Link.

b) Click on the “Candidate Registration”

c) Fill up the basic details i.e Name,Community,Mobile No., Email ID & Date of Birth.

d) Click on Register and Apply if Registered successfully.

e) Candidate Dashboard appear containing “Application Form”, “Upload Photo, Sign & Thumb Impression” and “Application Details/Print” link.

f) Click on “Application Form” 

g) Fill Up the Details in Application Form (Part I). Save Detail, Edit if required and then final save Detail.

i) Candidate now will get Registration Number and a message of the same will also be sent on registered mobile no and email id.

h) Candidate now to LOGIN using Registration No. and Date of birth. Candidate Dashboard will appear again, Click on link to Upload Photo, Signature and Thumb Impression.

j) Candidate now upload Photograph, Signature & Thumb Impression having size 10 to 50KB in jpg format.

k) After uploading click on “Save Images”.

l) Candidate Dashboard will appear again to “Application Details/Print”. link

The candidate after registering the application ONLINE, should take the printout (hard copy) of the application(Part-I) and after duly filling all the required details in(Part-II) i.e. declaration in Column 18 in his/her own running hand writting (should not write in Capital Letters) either in Hindi or English with blue or black ball point pen only, thumb impression, Signature place & date and recent photo should be affixed on the given place and should submit the same along with all the required enclosures to the concerned Supervisory Incharge/Officials of the field Units not later than 03 working days from the last date of registering ONLINE application i.e. 23.01.2017.

Delhi-Srinagar Train: Passengers to change trains en route on same ticket

The Photograph affixed(not older than one month) should be of passport size colour photograph without cap and without wearing the coloured glasses should be firmly pasted with glue (not to be stapled) in the space provide in the print out of the application form. 9. Responsibility, Procedure and time schedule for field unit incharge/superviser and Establishment Office for forwarding the Application recieved to RRC Office.

9.1 The supervisory Incharge/Official should acknowldge and verify the applications submitted by the candidates and forward the same in one bunch to the Establishment Office i.e. Personnel Department or ADENs office as the case may be on or before 30.01.2017.

9.2 ADENs of Concerned Unit shall verify the service particulars filled in the ONLINE Application Form from the Service Record/Personnel file of the employee concerned certifying the eligibility on the Application Form forword all the application in one bunch to the concerned division by 10/02/2017as per performa given below para 9.3.

9.3 Establishment Officer/Personnel Officer of Unit/Office/Divisions shall verify the service particulars filled in the ONLINE Application Form from the Service Record/Personal file of the employee concerned and after certifying the eligibility on application form forward all the applications in one bunch through a Special Messenger with a list in hardcopy and softcopy(Excel worksheet) as per performa given below so as to reach the Assistant Personnel Officer,Railway Recruitment Cell, Lajpat Nagar, Northern Railway, DLI latest by 15.00 hrs on or before 15.02.2017. The Application received from ADENs concerned will also be forwarded by the concerned division to the RRC Office by the above date.

SrNo.Candidate NameFather’s NameDOBAge as on 01/01/2017DOAComE.No/PF.No/ PRANDesignation & Working UnderDepttEdu.Qly as per SREligible(E)/Not Eligible(NE)If Not Eligible ReasonMedical Fitness

10. ONLY ONE APPLICATION Eligible employee has to submit only one application against this Notification and employees submitting more than one application shall be disqualified from the selection process. Even if, such a candidate gets selected inadvertently, he/she will be disqualified and they will not be offered any appointment under this Notification for GDCE.

11. Enclosures with the Application
The employee should enclose self attested photocopies of the following :

a. Copy of Matric certificate in proof of Date of Birth.

b. Copy of certificate/Marks sheet in proof of desired Educational/Technical Qualification.

c. Copy of certificate in proof of SC/ST in the proforma prescribed for employment in Central Government Services as per the Annexure 1 to 2.

d. Copy of certificate in proof of OBC in the proforma prescribed for employment in Central Government Services(Annexure-3). In Addition these candidates should enclose self-declaration regarding their non-creamy layer status in the proforma given in Annexure-4.

Annexures are available on RRC website.

Original Certificates are not to be attached. Railway administration or RRC will not be responsible for loss of original certificates, if any, enclosed by the employee.

12.1 The selection will be made strictly on the basis of merit in the written examination, Pschyco Test/Apptitude Test etc. if applicable. Short listed candidates will be called for Document Verification and Medical Examination.

12.2 Standard of examination shall be like that of direct recruitment conducted by RRB.

12.3 There shall be negative marking in written examinations and 1/3 of the alloted marks for each question shall be deducted for every wrong answer.

12.4 The selected employees under GDCE will have to pass prescribed training courses prior to appointment to the post for which they are selected under GDCE, wherever applicable.

12.5 The date, time and venue of the written examinations and Pschyco Test/Apptitude Test will be fixed by RRC/Delhi and wil be intimated to the eligible candidates in due course. Request for postponement of the examination/Pschyco Test/Apptitude Test and change of center/venue will not be entertained under any circumstance.


(a) Candidates are prohibited from bringing mobile phones, pagers, calculators or any other computing/communication/ electronic device/ gadgets to the examination center. If any candidate is found to be in possession of such device/gadgets in working or even in switched off condition his/her candidature shall be cancelled forthwith and he/she will be debarred from future examinations conducted by RRC/RRB. In addition such employees are liable to be taken up under Disciplinary Rules and/or criminal proceedings.

(b) Candidates are strictly advised, in their own interest, not to bring any of the prohibited items to the venue of the examination as there shall be no arrengment to keep these things in the examination premises.

14. Document Verification and Medical Examination

14.1 After finalizing the results of the written examination shortlisted candidates on the basis of merit of written examination subject to minimum marks required to qualify written exam to the extent required as per the notified vacancies, will be sent for Document Verification appropriate Medical Examination.


15.1 Before applying, the Candidates should carefully read the instructions and ensure that he/she fulfills all the prescribed eligibility criteria at the time of submission of application as per the Notification.

15.2 The number of vacancies shown in this Notification are provisional and the same are liable to increase or decrease depending upon the actual needs of the administration at the time of finalisation of recruitment.

15.3 The vacancies are to be filled up in various Divisions/Units of NR Therefore, the selected employees are likely to be posted to another Division/Unit of Northern Railway. Decision of Railway Administration/RRC NR will be final.

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15.4 Railway Administration reserves the right to decide/alter the mode of examinations i.e. OFFLINE/ONLINE or re-conduct the written examination or to cancel part or whole of any process of the recommitment at any stage without assigning any reason.

15.5 RRC reserves the right to conduct the examination in batches on various dates and locations as decided by the RRC.

15.6 The list of eligible/ineligible candidates will be published on the website of the RRC, after scrutiny of the applications. The eligible candidates can download their admit cards from the RRC website in due course. Candidates are advised to be in touch with RRC website for various information of the stages of selection.

Note:- In case the application is rejected by RRC for any reason, candidates will be able to view their status ONLINE on the website of RRC/DLI, along with the reasons for rejection(s). SMS and e-mail alerts will also be sent to the candidates on their registered mobile number and email ID, as indicated while registering their application ONLINE . Candidates whose application/candidature is rejected will NOT be intimated by post.

15.7 The shortlisted candidate under GDCE will have to pass the prescribed training courses prior to appointment to the post for which he has been selected.

15.8 The scheme of GDCE will be implemented according to the guidelines issued by Railway Board and will be binding on all.

15.9 Candidature of the Candidate is provisional at all stages of selection subject to fulfillment of all eligibiity condition and RRC Reserves the right to cancel the candidature at any stage if found not eligible under the Rules/Instructions issued from time to time.


Applications with following deficiencies(one or more than one) will be summarily rejected.

16.1 Application received in supervisory incharge office/Controlling Officer/Personal/Stablishment Officer after the time schedule given in para 9.

16.2 Applications not registered ONLINE.

16.3 Applications not received through proper channel. Merely Registering/filling up online application (Part-I) on RRC website does not entitle the candidate being eligible for Written Examination. Candidature of the applicant shall only be considered after printout of the ONLINE filled in application (Part-I) is received in RRC/NR Office through proper channel with duly completed Part –II of the application i.e:- Writing Paragraph, Thumb Impression, Signature, Photo etc with enclosures.

16.4 Applications which are incomplete in any manner.

16.5 Applications of Candidates not possessing the prescribed Educational qualifications.

16.6 Applications of Candidates not fulfilling the age conditions.

16.7 If more than one application registered by the same candidate, all such applications will be rejected.

16.8 Applications without affixing the photograph.

16.9 Applications without the declaration or declaration written in the Capital letters or Application not filled in own running handwriting.

16.10 Applications without signature or signed in capital letters.

16.11 Application where Left Hand Thumb impression is not affixed/blurred/smudged.

16.12 Applications where the required Documents are not enclosed.

16.13 Applications which are filled in a language other than Hindi/English.

The list is only illustrative and not exhaustive. The applications will be rejected on any other irregularity/deficiency noticed by the RRC at any stage.


17.1 Employees are warned that they should not furnish any particulars that are false or suppress any material information while submitting the Application.

17.2 Employees shall not bring or attempt to bring any political or other influence to further his/her interest in respect of selection process.

17.3 Any misconduct on the part of the employee at any part of the recommitment process is strictly prohibited and such misconduct will lead to disqualification of the candidature and also appropriate disciplinary/ criminal proceedings will be initiated.

17.4 Indulgence in any malpractices/ misconduct will result in the rejection of the candidature at any stage of selection in addition to initiation of appropriate Disciplinary/ Criminal proceedings.


a. Candidates who wish to be considered against vacancies reserved for SC/ST/OBC and/or seek age relaxation must submit requisites certificate from the competent authority in the prescribed format along with the application form itself. Otherwise, their claim for reserved status will not be entertained and the candidature/applications od such candidates fulfilling all eligibility conditions for General (UR) category will be considered under General (UR) category only.

b. In case wrong declaration/particulars are given by the candidates, he/she is liable to be taken up under Disciplinary Rules.

c. Any candidate found using unfair means in the examination or sending someone else in his/her place to appear in the examination will be debarred from appearing in all the examination of all the RRB/RRC for lifetime. Action will be taken against him/her under Railway D&A Rules. In addition such candidates are also liable for prosecution under criminal law.

d. RRC reserves the right to reject the candidature of any applicant at any stage of the process of recruitment, if any irregularity/deficiency is noticed in the application.

e. RRC reserves the right to conduct additional written examination/document verification at any stage. RRC also reserve the right to cancel part or whole of any recruitment process at any stage for any of the categories notified in the GDCE Notification without assigning any reason thereof.

f. The decision of RRC in all matters relating to eligibility, acceptance of rejection of application, issue of free Rail Passes, penalty for false information, mode of selection, conduct of written examination, allotment of examination centers, selection etc. will be final and binding on the candidates and no enquiry or correspondence will be entertained by the Railway Recruitment Cell in this regard.

g. Railway Recruitment Call will not be responsible for any inadvertent errors.

h. For any legal dispute, the Jurisdiction will be Central Administration Tribunal, Delhi only.

i. In the event of any dispute about interpretation or any mistake, the English version will be treated as final.


SC-Scheduled Caste; ST-Scheduled Tribe; OBC-Other Backward Classes; UR-UnReserved; DOA-Date of Appointment. A copy of the Notification & Annexures are also placed on the official website of RRC/DLI

This website may also be referred in future by the candidates for all information/updates.

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