School Education Department Lecturer Recruitment 2017


Directorate of School Education Kashmir seeks to go ahead with the School Education Department Lecturer Recruitment 2017 by asking for job applications from the aspiring candidates.

Government of Jammu & Kashmir’s Directorate of School Education Department has issued Advertisement Notice No. 01 of 2017 through which the applications are sought for a bumper 1,475 vacancies.

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Applications, on prescribed format, are invited from the Permanent Resident Post-Graduate Candidates, for engagement as Contractual Lecturers purely on “Academic Arrangement” in Government Higher Secondary Schools of various districts in Kashmir Division on district basis as per the following vacancies.

Computer Science26
Environmental Science07
Functional English15
Home Science02
Islamic Study11
Information Technology19
Political Science56

UPDATE: Chief Education Officer, Pulwama has issued Subject-Wise vacancy position of +2 Lecturer in District Pulwama (Dated 11-02-2017) for engagement of 10+2 Lecturers:

Subject-Wise Vacancy for Pulwama - School Education Department Lecturer Recruitment 2017

UPDATE: Chief Education Officer, Srinagar has issued Subject-Wise vacancy position of +2 Lecturer in District Srinagar (Dated 10-02-2017) for engagement of 10+2 Lecturers:

The School Education Department Lecturer Recruitment 2017 is bound by following Terms & Conditions which the applicants need to consider before going ahead with the application.

01. The engagement shall be made purely on “Academic Arrangement” at +2 level on monthly consolidated honorarium of Rs. 7000/- (Rupees Seven Thousand only) per month for the session 2017.

02. The candidates will be engaged initially for a period of 60 days only and their further continuation will be subject to their performance, behaviour and depending upon the vacancy/requirement of the Institution(s) or till the post is filled up  by the PSC or by promotion whichever is earlier.

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03. The engagement thus made shall not have any preferential claim to the candidates for selection on regular basis.

Applications should be supported by the photo copies of the following certificates/testimonials duly attested by Gazetted Officer with his/her seal and signature and also self-signed by the candidate himself.

The following documents are required to apply for this School Education Department Lecturer Recruitment 2017 and these shall be attached with the application form.

  • Permanent Residence Certificate
  • Date of Birth Certificate (Matriculation)
  • Marks Sheet of Post Graduation (All Semesters)
  • B.Ed Marks Sheet
  • M.Ed Marks Sheet
  • M.Phil Certificate
  • Ph.D Certificate
  • NET/SET Certificate
  • Experience Certificate(s) of teaching at +2 level from Government institution(s) only with the percentage of results registered and number of months put in.
  • The selection of candidates will be made at District Level.
  • Merit list will be made district-wise taking PRC as proof of residence (separate merit list for each district).

How To Apply

The candidates applying for the engagement as Lecturers at +2 level under the dispensation of “Academic Arrangement” for the academic session 2017 shall deposit an amount of Rs. 100/- as examination fee along with the application form.

The tentative date of examination (Written Test) is 19-02-2017. The venue will be Srinagar at various Educational Institutions which shall be notified later on.

The complete applications on the prescribed format along with affidavit duly sworn in and attested by the 1st Class Judicial Magistrate as per enclosed prescribed formats which can be downloaded from the official website of Directorate of School Education Kashmir (DSEK).

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The prescribed formats can also be had from the concerned Chief Education Officer.

The candidates should note that they can appear in only one subject.

The application forms should be deposited in the office of concerned Chief Education Officer on prescribed format against proper receipt by or before 13-02-2017. No application shall be entertained after the expiry of the last date.

Subject-wise / District-wise vacancies can increase or decrease depending upon transfers/promotions and outcome of PSC selections/appointments.

Selection Procedure

The candidates applying for the engagement as Contractual Lecturers at +2 level under the dispensation of “Academic Arrangement” for the academic session 2017 shall deposit an amount of Rs. 100/- as examination fee along with application form.

The candidates shall be selected on the basis of Written Test and Qualification as per following procedure/criteria.

The prescribed scale of weightage to be acted upon for School Education Department Lecturer Recruitment 2017 shall be as follows:

1.Screening Test70 Points
2.Post Graduation10 Points (on Pro-Rata basis)
3.M.Phil05 Points (Across the board)
4.Ph.D05 Points (Across the board)
5.NET/SET05 Points (Across the board)
6.Experience05 Points*

*The candidates should note that the 05 Points for Experience of teaching in a Government Higher Secondary School shall be given in such a manner so as to allocate 01 Point for each year subject to a maximum of 05 Points.

The official Advertisement Notification for School Education Department Lecturer Recruitment 2017 is provided below enclosed with Application Proforma and Affidavit Format to be attached with the Application Form.

Advertisement Notification

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