A letter to you,
You who was set by yourself,
You who doubted yourself,
Who was bullied,
And who was let down.

A letter to you,
Who was used,
Who was manipulated,
Who was judged,
And was left shattered in pieces.

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A letter to you,
You are perfect,
You are wonderful,
You are you,
Don’t let anyone take that away from you.

I know you will be knocked by the world,
I know they will do,
But you have to pick yourself up,
Fighting back,
And showing them who are you.


Now look at you, so strong,
You passed the darkest moments alone,
And showed everyone,
Who you are,
And don’t need anyone.

A letter to you,
Who is now brave,
Who now know his worth,
Who can fight alone,
With this entire,
Whole earth.

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