Beneath the candle, I recounted my tears;
The late night forced me to work;
As I could continue my work in a broad daylight;
But, the candle grabbed me this right;
I suddenly got a chance;
When I started my reasonable dance;

Again, the candle grabbed me this right.
Despite being the force of candle;
I was beckoning to my source;
Slowly, slowly the “ADHERE” it made me;
I started acting like, a bee;

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Perchance, it could be a marvellous matter!
Beneath the candle, I was feeling better;
Better than a broad daylight;
The silence, adoration, generosity, coldness beneath the candle;
Was leading me to a perfect sight;

Silent Cries: A plea from the shadows

I kept it like, a mystery;
Of course! I have made it a history;
Beneath the candle, I recounted my tears;
The white lamps were shining!
And in the world of lost, I was something trying!
So that I can combat the upcoming fears;
Beneath the candle, I recounted my tears

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