When I heard the hues and cries on the street here
I ran to enquire what was happening there.
I saw my fraternity in a discourse with Army men
I walked towards them, they ran back to me.

What I saw men chasing them on the point of gun
All busy ones tried to chase them back like they won.
The bullet sounds started to echo in my ears
The smoke shells turned my eyes into river of tears.

The rush dispersed, roads deserted, vehicles shattered
Children were crushed, women wailed, souls scattered.
I observed all and took hide in vicinity for being safe
In uniform they aimed the gun at the one they caught.

A volley of bullets pierced his chest when he cried a lot
Oh my God! What I did? Don’t kill me, I am not, I am not.
Bullet ridden corpse reached the home in dark nights
Oozing bloods from shroud marks coffin within a crowd.

To bid your farewell glimpses with flower petal in vails
Left you in grave for an eternal peace in huge pains.
Your brethren called you in sobbing hues and cries
When rains showered you in the shadows of slice.

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