My childhood killed
All my dreams, bliss marred
They with their rusty guns
Eliminated my beloved
In the dead of night
I neither shall forgive them
Nor ever they shall be forgotten
Sacred with thunders
From skies and bullets
Of horrible men
We caged ourselves, only to witness horror
Of esteemed occupier
Shattering of our windows panes
Bruising delicate arm of my mother
I cried copiously for mercy from above
I neither shall forgive them
Nor ever they shall be forgotten
In the torrents when
I was kicked out from my nest
With barefoot, I was in the chilling weather
Looked towards the sky
Oh! Allah! Send down Ababeel’s
The men lying
In the pool of blood
The agonizing memory I have
I neither shall forgive them
Nor ever they shall be forgotten
The men with broken legs
Blood and rain mingling together
I feared imminent death
And loss of beloved
For trauma, I pray for console
I neither shall forgive them
Nor ever they shall be forgotten
Postscript: I witnessed first encounter in my life, when I was just eight years old. What happened then, I tried to recollect that in words.
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