Fulgent moonshine stabbed the dusty leaves pale.
The sonic glitch disrupts the chain of thoughts.
The numb eyes look at the mind-numbing soul helplessly.
The faulty vision of the growing meadows took my sight.
The cringeworthy gushes of smoky air poked the aura.
The terrific thuds of wrapped emotions took my audio.
The seismal shakes of stable land make it barren.
Euphoria burying nostalgia, digging the earth with desires.
Alluringly, the birds chant the hymns of motherly vibes.
The soulful audio of a broken spouse glittered on his face.
Ah! The children of heaven seek mercy from the devil.
The hurtful petrichor no more calms their dead soul.
The hazy pictures of coming babies out of the womb.
The torn corsage of the boundary over my casket.
The milky breasts oozing blood out of cold gushes.
The motherly warmth innately makes the warm.
And it continued, then never stopped.