Up with sword to protect the flag
This planet witness all bloodshed.
Every place in the world
A handful of devils hide inside castles
To destroy peace on the earth.
The clouds of uncertainty surround us.
See our fate we die every day like rats.
Lethal weapons are tested every day.
On all sides, we are surrounded by nukes
This ground is a testing laboratory for all.
Known by different names
Some call it a disputed colony
Others the land of terrorists.
Whatever this land fights for its rights
To us, this is a land of martyrs.
By dispersing genuine protesters
Widely they use pellets and bullets.
Some die on roads, some on ventilators
Indiscriminately they splash pellets
Making the world blind for juveniles.
By forcing us to inhale pepper smoke
They take away oxygen from us.
For ailing heart sound shells are fatal.
Those who die inside walls
Are killed by mischievous acts.
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