Politics has lost its meaning in Kashmir.
Development is hijacked by rhetoric.
Bridges are constructed, where there is no water.
Roads are beautified to dig them later.
Promises are again made to break them again.
Constitutional morality is what they don’t know.
Original work of a politician is that they don’t know.
Haggling for chair is their life.
Killing others for personal gains is their life.
They promise prosperity in distress.
Activities of theirs give us stress.
They are made of unique earth.
Politicians are those who take unusual birth.
Enlightenment is their on their lips.
Darkness is what drips.
Politics is their god.
Hatred is their lord.
Wearing different dresses mean to hide the truth.
Aching the whole body doesn’t mean a single tooth.
When money is life, politicians are welcomed.
Paper is religion and I have summed.
Politicians are scam.
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