SRINAGAR — Inspector General of Police (IGP) Kashmir range, Vijay Kumar on Friday said that district SSPs have been directed to brief media men about encounter updates and that the media persons are once again advised not to inch closer to gunfight sites as that poses threat to their lives.
The IGP said that if media persons go closer to the operation sites, the same may disturb the men involved in anti-militancy operations and the live coverages of encounters may trigger law and order situation in other areas.
Replying to a query at PCR Srinagar whether injury to the three civilians can be reported by the media, the IGP said: “I reiterate that no live coverage of encounters will be allowed. A stray bullet can hit any media man if you go closer to the operation site. Covering live encounters can pose threat to the journalists.”
The IGP said that live coverage of encounters can instigate people in other adjoining areas of the operational site and lead to law and order situation.
“I have directed district SSPs to brief media men about encounter updates in their respective areas, whenever there is any encounter,” he said.
Pertinently, a police advisory was issued earlier that barred media men from covering live encounters in Kashmir.
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