Srinagar: Cluster University Srinagar has released the Admission Notification for PG Admissions 2018.
Online applications are, therefore, invited from eligible candidates for admission to the following Post Graduate Programmes, for the Academic Session 2018 at the following Constituent Colleges (Schools) of the Cluster University Srinagar:
1. Sri Pratap College Srinagar (School of Sciences)
2. Amar Singh College Srinagar (School of Humanities and Liberal Arts)
3. Abdul Ahad Azad Memorial Degree College, Bemina (School of Social Sciences)
4. IASE (Government College of Education, Srinagar)
Eligibility: Candidates having passed the qualifying examination (Bachelors) with the required percentage, given below, are eligible for the PG programmes of the Cluster University, Srinagar.
However, candidates having appeared in the qualifying examination can also apply provisionally on their own risk and responsibility, subject to fulfilling of the eligibility conditions including acquiring of minimum required percentage of marks, at the time of selection.
The selection will be based on the Entrance Test. The syllabus of the Entrance Test is available on the university website: www
Admission Procedure: The Admission Procedure is as follows:
1. Candidates are required to fill-up their application forms online available on the University website. Candidates should read and follow the instructions, available on the website carefully before filling-up the relevant fields/columns of the application form.
2. A candidate has to deposit Rs. 250 as registration fee and Rs. 500 as fee for the subject specific Entrance Test.
3. A candidate can apply for more than one programme, if eligible as per admission norms, by making extra payment of Rs. 250 per subject.
4. The candidates must check the status of their Application Forms after three days of its submission. In case the status of the Application is not updated to “We Received” or “Fee Reconciliation”, he/she should contact the CF Section of the Cluster University, along with Application Form and all other documents, within two days after the last date of submission of Application form. Thereafter, no claim, whatsoever, will be entertained by the University.
5. All programmes are full-time regular courses for the specified duration.
Selection Procedure: Selection shall be on the basis of the merit obtained in the screening test:
1. Subject specific paper shall have 100 multiple-choice type questions.
2. A copy of the syllabus of the subject specific paper can be downloaded from Cluster University Srinagar website.
3. Reservation policy shall be followed as per University/State Government rules and regulations.
Important Dates: Submission of Online Applications will commence from 17th August 2018 while as the last date for submission of Online Applications will be 15th September 2018.
The detailed Date Sheet for the conduct of Entrance Test shall be issued separately.
Notification for self-financed seats shall be issued after issuance of 1st Selection List. However, only those candidates shall be considered for admission under Self-Financed Category, who have applied and appeared in the Entrance Test of the subject concerned.
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