Islamic University of Science & Technology (IUST) Awantipora
Islamic University of Science & Technology (IUST) Awantipora

SRINAGAR — Islamic University of Science & Technology, Awantipora has announced the IUST Admissions 2020 (through Notification No. 01 of 2020) for All Programmes.

Online applications are, therefore, invited by IUST from eligible candidates for admission to below mentioned programmes for the Academic Session 2020-21. The candidates are advised to peruse the Prospectus (available on the University website) & go through the Admission Procedure thoroughly to check the eligibility criteria/other details before filling and submitting their Online Application Forms:

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IUST Admissions 2020 (Notification No. 01 of 2020) for All Programmes
IUST Admissions 2020 (Notification No. 01 of 2020) for All Programmes

Note: There shall be 5% relaxation in minimum percentage of marks required for eligibility in case of reserved categories for all the programmes, the list of which is reflected in the University Prospectus.

Availability of Online Application Forms: 24-08-2020
Last Date for submission of Online Application Forms: 03-09-2020
Last Date for deposition of application fee: 04-09-2020

The candidates are advised to follow the below mentioned steps for filling the details in their Online Application Forms:

  • Login to IUST University website and follow the link – Admissions 2020.
  • Read the instructions carefully and click on “Proceed” tab.
  • Click the Programmes tab and select the desired Programme(s) & Preferences (wherever applicable). Enter the required details very carefully.
  • Upload latest passport size photograph/Signature, Qualifying Marks Card, Valid Reserved Category Certificate (wherever applicable), JEE/CMAT/GATE score card (if applicable).
  • Candidates applying under the Tuition Fee Waiver (TFW) Scheme shall upload the latest income certificate & other documents mentioned under the title Tuition Fee Waiver Scheme (TFW) in the University Prospectus.
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NOTE: The photograph/certificates to be uploaded must be in image file format (.jpg, .jpeg, .png) with size of 50-100 KB only. Candidates applying under Sports category can upload the multiple sports participation certificates merged in a single file in PDF format.

  • Check all the details and status of uploaded documents once again and then click the “Submit” tab. On the successful submission of form, an Acknowledgement Message will be generated.
  • Once the form is submitted, choose the payment option for deposition of application form fee as:

Online: Proceed as per the fee instructions on the screen.
Offline: Take a printout of the fee receipt and deposit the amount in any branch of J&K Bank Ltd.

  • The application fee shall be Rs. 500/- for all programmes.

Candidates are not required to submit hard copy of the application form.

a) B.Tech. Engineering programmes: Based on candidate’s performance in the JEE Main (Paper-I) 2020.
b) MBA/MBA-IB: Based on the candidate’s performance in the CMAT/ Institutional MAT or percentage in qualifying examination (to be decided in due course).
c) M.Tech. Food Technology: Based on the candidate’s performance in GATE or percentage in qualifying examination (to be decided in due course).
d) MBA (5-Year Integrated): Based on the candidate’s performance in the tests conducted by a National Level Testing Agency or percentage in qualifying examination (to be decided in due course).
e) All other programmes: Based on the percentage of marks in aggregate obtained by a candidate in the qualifying examination.


  • The soft copy of the Prospectus can be downloaded from the University website.
  • The eligible meritorious candidates with weak economic background can apply for admission under the TFW scheme wherein their Tuition Fee will be waived off completely.
  • The selection under the TFW scheme will be made under rules subject to a maximum of 5% of the intake capacity of a programme.
  • Notification for admission under Self-Financing category/NRI sponsored quota shall be issued separately.
  • Change of preferences shall not be entertained after last date for submission of online application form.
  • The candidates are advised to check the Application Form Status online using the Applicant Number after three days of the submission of online Application Form.
  • The candidature of applicants who fail to submit all the required documents/fee etc. with the online Application Form shall be rejected.
  • Procedure for making corrections/uploading of accurate documents in the already submitted application forms is as follows:
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Send an e-mail to [email protected] and mention the details to be modified.
Attach the document with the e-mail in case the already document needs to be changed.
Take a re-print of the updated application form after three days of sending e-mail for checking the changes and for future references.

Note: Only e-mails from the registered email ID mentioned in the application form will be entertained.

Candidates are advised to remain in touch with the University website to download the Admit Cards / Roll Number slips (wherever applicable) and other updates.

For any further query/information, the candidates may contact the following: EPABX: 01933-247954/247955 Ext.: 1109 / Email ID: [email protected]

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