JKBOSE Date Sheet for Class 11th (T1 & T2) Exam 2018 of Jammu Province


Jammu: Jammu & Kashmir State Board of School Education has released the JKBOSE Date Sheet for Class 11th (T1 & T2) Exam 2018 of Jammu Province.

The Date Sheet is for Higher Secondary Examination Part-I (Class 11th) Term-I & II (CCE Scheme), March-April Session 2018.

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As per the JKBOSE Date Sheet for Class 11th (T1 & T2) Exam 2018 of Jammu Province, the examination is to be held in the respective Higher Secondary Schools of Jammu Province (Summer Zone).

The exam will be conducted in two sessions. The Morning Session for Class 11th – Term-II Test (T2) for Regular / Fresh Private / Re-Appear / Failure candidates of Jammu Division (Summer Zone) will commence at 10:00 AM while the Evening Session for Class 11th – Term-I Test (T1) for Private (Fresh / Re-Appear / Failure) candidates of Jammu Division (Summer Zone) will commence at 02:00 PM.

Pertinently, the examination was postponed earlier w.e.f 04-0-2018. The exam as per JKBOSE Date Sheet for Class 11th (T1 & T2) Exam 2018 of Jammu Province shall now be conducted as per the following schedule.

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JKBOSE Date Sheet for Class 11th (T1 & T2) Exam 2018 of Jammu Province

The confidential material shall be deposited by JKBOSE in the Police Station / Posts nearest to the Institutions and the concerned Heads of the Institutions shall either personally or through authorized representative collect the sealed packets of question papers from the concerned police stations / posts on each day of examination as per the aforesaid notified dates.

The concerned Heads of the Institutions shall check and ensure one day earlier before the commencement of the examination that sealed packets of Question Papers of all the subjects, as per micro pack, of their centers are available in the sealed cartons.

The deficiency, if any, be reported to concerned Sub / Branch Office / Divisional office of BOSE, on the same date or the next day in any case and no claim whatsoever about the deficiency or shortage of question papers shall be entertained later on.

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The Award Rolls of T1 and T2 in duplicate of Regular / Private candidates showing the name of the candidates also in the column of Roll No’s are to be submitted in the concerned Sub / Branch Offices on or before 14-05-2018 in a sealed cover failing which a penalty of Rs. 50/- per candidate per day shall be charged from the concerned Head of the Institution and in case of Jammu District also, the Award Rolls are to be submitted in Board Office, Rehari Colony, Jammu on or before 14-05-2018.

Heads of Branch / Sub Offices of the Board shall submit the Award Rolls received from concerned Institutions in Head Office Jammu latest by 21-05-2018 without fail.

The Award Rolls of Regular / Private candidates (Fresh / Re-Appear / Failure) shall be submitted on the new proforma that can be received from the concerned Sub / Branch Offices of Board.

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