SRINAGAR — Jammu and Kashmir Services Selection Board (JKSSB) is all set to conduct the recruitment exam for Class-IV Posts.
The J&K Services Selection Board had advertised Class-IV posts vide Advertisement Notification No. 01 of 2020; Dated: 26.06.2020. Whereas, vide Notification No. SSB/Secy/Se1/2021/219-227; Dated: 11-01-2021, J&K Services Selection Board issued Tentative Calendar for conduct of CBT/Skill Test/Written Examination, of various types/categories of posts.
Earlier, OMR Based Objective Type Written Examination for Class-IV post was scheduled to be held between 20th to 28th February, 2021.
Now, therefore, it is notified for information of such candidates, who have applied for UT/Divisional/District Cadres posts of Class-IV of various Departments, advertised vide Advertisement Notification No. 01 of 2020, that their OMR Based Objective Type Written Examination is scheduled to be held on 27th, 28th of February and 01st of March, 2021.
The notice regarding the downloading of Admit Cards shall be issued separately.
The Schedule of Examination is subject to the guidelines of the UT Government, if any or any other instruction that may be issued at the relevant point of time relating to COVID-19 pandemic.
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