SRINAGAR — University of Kashmir has released the KU Revised Date Sheet for BG 5th & 6th Semester (Backlog; Batch 2015).

As per the University, the Date Sheet of Backlog candidates of BG 5th & 6th Semester (Session: July, 2020) is for Batch 2015 of both Jammu & Kashmir.

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The examination is scheduled to commence on the 1st of July, 2020 for the 5th Semester and from the 2nd of July, 2020 for the 6th Semester and will end on the 20th and 21st of July, 2020, respectively.

As per the KU Revised Date Sheet for BG 5th & 6th Semester, the timing for this examination is 01:00 PM to 02:30 PM for the 5th Semester while 03:00 PM to 04:30 PM for 6th Semester. However, on Fridays, the timing will change to 02:00 PM.

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The KU Revised Date Sheet for BG 5th Semester (Backlog; Batch 2015) is provided below:

KU Revised Date Sheet for BG 5th Semester (Backlog; Batch 2015)
KU Revised Date Sheet for BG 5th Semester (Backlog; Batch 2015)

The KU Revised Date Sheet for BG 6th Semester (Backlog; Batch 2015) is provided below:

KU Revised Date Sheet for BG 6th Semester (Backlog; Batch 2015)
KU Revised Date Sheet for BG 6th Semester (Backlog; Batch 2015)

The Centre Notice is available on the official website of the University of Kashmir. The candidates should check their examination centre thoroughly as some examination centres have changed.

The candidates must carry valid Identity Cards and Roll No. slips with them on each day of examination for verification by the supervisory staff.

The pattern of Question Papers for this backlog examination shall be the same as was in vogue for the Regular/Fresh Private Examination held in June-July, 2018.

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The students without face masks will not be allowed to sit in the examination. Also, the students having symptoms of COVID-19 are not allowed to appear in the examination.

The Principals of the Government Degree Colleges are requested to ensure strict observance of COVID-19 protocol and expenditure if any, on this account shall be debited to their local fund. They shall get the venue of the examination fumigated in and outside on every day of the examination.

The Centre Superintendents shall ensure physical as well as vertical distance in the examination hall as prescribed.

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