JKSSB Admit Cards for Patwari Posts (Urdu Test) available!


Srinagar: Jammu and Kashmir Services Selection Board had announced the availability of JKSSB Admit Cards for Patwari Posts (Urdu Test). The Admit Cards will be available for download by the concerned applicants from 15th June, 2018 i.e, today onwards.

The Board has made the announcement regarding JKSSB Admit Cards for Patwari Posts (Urdu Test) through a notification on its official website.

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The notification stated that all the candidates who have been shortlisted vide Notifications No. SSB/Sel/Secy/2018/4067-75 or SSB/Sel/Secy/2018/4076-84; Dated: 12-04-2018 for the posts of Patwari (Various District Cadres) in pursuance to the Advertisement No’s 306 (06 of 2015), 327 (06 of 2015), 346 (06 of 2015), 364 (06 of 2015), 381 (06 of 2015), 398 (06 of 2015), 415 (06 of 2015), 465 (06 of 2015), 481 (06 of 2015), 506 (06 of 2015), 528 (06 of 2015), 550 (06 of 2015), 566 (06 of 2015), 585 (06 of 2015), 604 (06 of 2015), 622 (06 of 2015), 641 (06 of 2015), 654 (06 of 2015) and 04/2017/142, 04/2017/143, 04/2017/144, 04/2017/145, 04/2017/146, 04/2017/147, 04/2017/148 under PM Package for Kashmiri Migrants that their working knowledge of Urdu Exam is scheduled to be held on 1st July, 2018 (Sunday) from 11:00 AM to 01:00 PM.

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The pattern and criteria of the said test has already been notified by the Board.

Candidates are required to download their Admit Cards for the working knowledge of Urdu Test from the link given on the official website (www.jkssb.nic.in) from 15th June, 2018 onwards.

Candidates can get access to their Admit Cards by entering their Application Number and DOB.

Any eligible candidate who does not find his Admit Card is free to submit a written representation before the Administrative Officer, Jammu/Srinagar, as the case may be, by or before 22nd of June, 2018 (2:00 PM), failing which no grievance shall be entertained at any other stage. The grievance should be submitted in written before the concerned Administrative Officers only.

General Instructions for the Urdu Exam for Patwari Posts:

1. The exam shall comprise of two sections – Reading Section and Writing Section.

2. The Reading Section will have 50 objective type questions (as per syllabus already notified).

Candidates would be expected to read the question and choose the correct answer out of four options given to them. It will be attempted on an OMR sheet. It is once again reiterated that the reading section will not be a computer based test. There shall be negative marking only in Reading Section.

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3. The Writing Section will have 5 subjective type questions (as per syllabus already notified). It will be attempted on separate answer booklet comprising of multiple blank sheets.

4. The common question paper containing both Reading and Writing Sections will be given to the candidates at the start of the exam and candidates will be free to first attempt either the Reading Section or the Writing Section.

Both answer booklets (OMR and descriptive) will be given to the candidates at the start of the exam and would be collected only at the end of the exam.

5. Only blue or black ball point pen can be used for filling the OMR answer sheet. However, blue/black ball, gel or ink pens can be used for writing descriptive answers. Candidates are strongly advised to carry clipboard for writing the exam.

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