Kashmir University
University of Kashmir

SRINAGAR — It is notified for the information of all the concerned that the submission of Online/Hard Copy of Application Form for appearing in the Entrance Test for admission to LL.M, B.A-LL.B and B.Pharm Programmes shall be available on July 02 & 03, 2015.

Candidates desirous of submitting the Application Forms for the said programmes are advised to submit their Hard Copy of the application form along with all documents at Humanities Block, University of Kashmir.

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Candidates who have already submitted their Application Forms provisionally for appearing in the Entrance Test for the said programmes are also advised to submit the Result of their Qualifying Examination at IT Centre, Moulana Rumi Gate, University Campus up to July 07, 2015, failing which they shall not be allowed to appear in the Entrance Test.

The Entrance Test of B.Pharm, LL.M and B.A-LL.B shall be held on July 11, 2015 at 11:00 AM and 02:30 PM respectively. Admit Cards and Centre Notice shall be available from July 08, 2015 after 2:00 PM on the University website.

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