JKSSB Syllabus for Naib-Tehsildar & Patwari Posts

Srinagar: Jammu & Kashmir Services Selection Board has issued the JKSSB Syllabus for Naib-Tehsildar & Patwari Posts.

The candidates who have applied for the posts will first appear in the MCQ Based Written Test. Only the candidates shortlisted on the basis of the Written Test will be required to appear in the subsequent exam for testing the working knowledge of Urdu.

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The Written Test will conducted in the month of February/March, 2018 for Patwari posts and April, 2018 for Naib-Tehsildar posts.

The Written Exam, for two hours, will be Offline (OMR Based) exam. There shall be negative marking (0.25 for each wrong answer).

The exam for testing working knowledge of Urdu will, however, be Online – Computer Based (Reading Section) and descriptive (Writing Section).

The criteria for the overall merit shall be notified subsequently. However, the Urdu
exam will be of qualifying nature only.

The details of the posts to be filled under this recruitment include the following:

S. No.Item No.Adv.
Notification No.
Name of the
Name of the
1.00701 of 2015Revenue DepartmentNaib TehsildarState
2.30606 of 2015Revenue DepartmentPatwariAnantnag
3.32706 of 2015Revenue DepartmentPatwariBandipora
4.34606 of 2015Revenue DepartmentPatwariBaramulla
5.36406 of 2015Revenue DepartmentPatwariBudgam
6.38106 of 2015Revenue DepartmentPatwariGanderbal
7.39806 of 2015Revenue DepartmentPatwariKulgam
8.41506 of 2015Revenue DepartmentPatwariKupwara
9.46506 of 2015Revenue DepartmentPatwariSrinagar
10.48106 of 2015Revenue DepartmentPatwariDoda
11.50606 of 2015Revenue DepartmentPatwariJammu
12.52806 of 2015Revenue DepartmentPatwariKathua
13.55006 of 2015Revenue DepartmentPatwariKishtwar
14.56606 of 2015Revenue DepartmentPatwariPoonch
15.58506 of 2015Revenue DepartmentPatwariRajouri
16.60406 of 2015Revenue DepartmentPatwariRamban
17.62206 of 2015Revenue DepartmentPatwariReasi
18.64106 of 2015Revenue DepartmentPatwariSamba
19.65406 of 2015Revenue DepartmentPatwariUdhampur
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The JKSSB Syllabus for Naib-Tehsildar & Patwari Posts is provided below:

Unit-I: GENERAL ENGLISH (Objective Type)20 Marks
(i) Tenses
(ii) Rearranging of Jumbled Sentences
(iii) Narration
(iv) Models
(v) Articles
(vi) Comprehension with blanks to be filled in with Phrases, Pronouns, Homonyms / Homophones
(vii) Clauses
(viii) Synonyms and Antonyms
(ix) Pairs of Words and their Use in Meaningful Sentences
(x) Idioms and Phrases
(xi) Uses of Prepositions

Unit-II: GENERAL STUDIES (Objective Type) ⇒ 30 Marks
(i) Various Sources of Energy; Conventional Sources of Energy; Improvement in
Technology for using Conventional Source of Energy (Biomass and Wind Energy)
(ii) Non-conventional Sources of Energy (Solar Energy, Tidal Energy)
(iii) Solids, Liquids and Gases (Basics)
(iv) Vitamins – Diseases related to Vitamin Deficiency
(v) AIDS – Causes and Prevention
(vi) Environmental Pollution
(vii) Ecosystem – Its Components, Food Chains and Food Webs
(viii) Ozone Layer and its depletion, Green House Effect
(ix) Globalization / Liberalization
(x) Disaster Management
(xi) Inflation
(xii) Human Rights
(xiii) Panchayat Raj
(xiv) Indian Freedom Struggle (1857 Onwards)
(xv) United Nations Organization (Principal organs and their functions)
(xvi) SAARC / NAM

Unit-III: CONSTITUTION OF INDIA (Objective Type) ⇒ 20 Marks
(i) Constitution of India with special reference to:-
a) Citizenship
b) Fundamental Rights
c) Fundamental Duties
d) Election Commission of India
e) Supreme Court
f) Centre-State Relations
g) Article 370

Unit-IV: CONSTITUTION OF JAMMU & KASHMIR (Objective Type) ⇒ 10 Marks
(i) Legislature (Both Houses) – Composition and Election
(ii) State Judiciary

(i) Topography of J&K State
(ii) Climates of J&K State:-
a) Temperate (Valley)
b) Arid (Ladakh)
d) Sub-Tropical (Jammu)
(iii) Historical Places and Monuments
(iv) Major River Systems in J&K
(v) Hydro-Power Projects in J&K
(vi) Tourist Places in J&K
(vii) Land Reforms
(viii) Indus Water Treaty
(ix) Wildlife Sancturies / National Parks of J&K
(x) Natural Resources of J&K

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Unit-VI: MENSURATION (Objective Type) ⇒ 15 Marks
a) Area of Triangle, Square, Rectangle, Rhombus, Trapezium, Circle, Right Circular Cylinder
b) Volume of Cube, Cuboid, Sphere, Hemisphere, Cone
c) Field Book / Units of Measurement of Land

Guidelines for checking Working Knowledge of Urdu for Naib Teshildar & Patwari Posts:

The exam intends to check the “working knowledge of Urdu” of the candidates. As per JKSSB Syllabus for Naib-Tehsildar & Patwari Posts, the same will be tested through a Reading and a Writing Test (total comprising of 100 Marks in a duration of Two Hours), to be conducted on the same day.

The candidates belonging to ‘OM’ Category will be required to score at least 40% Marks (Overall) in the said exam with at least 33% Marks in both Reading and Writing sections to be considered as having ‘working knowledge of Urdu’ for the purpose of this exam / qualified.

The candidates belonging to other categories (except OM) are required to score at least 35% Marks (Overall) with at least 33% in each Section. The test of Reading Section will be computer based having multiple choices. According to the JKSSB Syllabus for Naib-Tehsildar & Patwari Posts, there will be negative marking (0.25 per question) in Reading Section for wrong answers.

Reading Section: 50 Marks

Candidates would be required to answer a total of 50 questions out of 5 given passages, each carrying 10 questions of one mark each.

Writing Section: 50 Marks

As per the JKSSB Syllabus for Naib-Tehsildar & Patwari Posts, the Writing Section of questions for checking ‘working knowledge of Urdu’ will be of following criteria:

Letter Writing of minimum 150 words on a particular situation10 Marks
One English passage to be translated into Urdu10 Marks
One Urdu passage to be translated into English10 Marks
One Essay of 300 words on any topic of social relevance10 Marks
Ten sentences to be made on given words bringing out clear meaning of the words10 Marks

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