Srinagar: Jammu & Kashmir Services Selection Board has issued the JKSSB Syllabus for all posts under Advertisement No. 05 of 2017.

It is, therefore, for the information of all the candidates who have applied for the posts advertised vide Advertisement Notification No. 05 of 2017, that the Syllabi are as such being provided herewith.

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The candidates are also intimated that there shall be negative marking for wrong answers (-0.25 for each wrong answer) attempted in the said examination. This advance notice is for the purpose of intimation to the concerned candidates only.

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The JKSSB Syllabus for all posts under Advertisement No. 05 of 2017 will cover the following posts.

S. No.Advertisement No.Name of the DepartmentName of the PostCadreTotal PostsSyllabus Annexed
1.05/2017/01Labour and Employment DepartmentManagement Executive / CounsellorState05Annexure “A”
2.05/2017/02Labour and Employment DepartmentJunior Employment OfficerState19Annexure “B”
3.05/2017/03Labour and Employment DepartmentJunior Scale StenographerState04Annexure “C”
4.05/2017/04Labour and Employment DepartmentJunior AssistantState14Annexure “C”
5.05/2017/05Health and Medical Education DepartmentSenior Grade NurseJammu Division89Annexure “D”
6.05/2017/06Health and Medical Education DepartmentJunior Grade NurseJammu Division200Annexure “E”
7.05/2017/07Law DepartmentJunior LibrarianState01Annexure “F”
8.05/2017/08Law DepartmentLibrary AssistantState01Annexure “F”
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The JKSSB Syllabus for all posts under Advertisement No. 05 of 2017 is provided below for the concerned job aspirants to download.

JKSSB Syllabus for Posts under Advertisement No. 05 of 2017

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