Everything you can ever do in life is be yourself

Sea - Man - Boy - Abstract - Happiness - Nature

We live in the world where we are surrounded by veiled faces. No matter what you are, what Degree or qualification you possess, you never know what the second person possesses in his anatomical chambers.

We are surrounded by fake smiles and fake attitudes. A person pretends to be an angel in public and the same person is a monster in his private life. In order to feel respectable and decent in his society and the world around him, he always talks and behaves with his masked face. He achieves a sense of high self-esteem when he succeeds in catching attention of others and receiving few words of appreciation. But in reality, the person he is in private is totally against his public image.

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The etiquettes, the responsible nature and the pilanthrophistic traits he possesses in public disappears like smoke in air in his private life.

Having said that, let me now share a story about a person: Once upon a time, a young executive was promoted but he couldn’t reconcile himself to his new office and position. There was a knock at his door. To show how important and busy he was, he picked up the phone and then asked the visitor to come in. As the man waited for the executive, the executive kept talking on the phone, nodding and saying, “No problem, I can handle that”. After a few minutes, he hung up and asked the visitor what he could do for him. The man replied, “Sir, I am here to connect your phone.”

The Real Cost of Always Being Online

The crux of the story is why to pretend if we don’t possess the same. Why we need to lie and look for few words of appreciation to satisfy our idiotic behaviour.

Unless and until a person is not at peace with himself, he will never be able to find peace and live peacefully with others around him.

He is just feeding his idiotic behaviour without caring for the consequences in the long run. His values, ethics, desires etc all are governed by his pleasure principle. He wants to be centre of attention every time. No matter he possesses the qualities for the same or not, matter of concern for him is to be the centre of attention. At times, his behaviour is annoying and irritating, and once his true identify is exposed, people hate to interact with him.

Embracing contentment as a key to mental well-being

No matter if he is surrounded by large crowd but deep inside, he will be feeling lonely. The peace of mind should be achieved while doing good things.

Tail Piece:

No matter we are below average in comparison to others, no matter we posses low IQ than others, no matter we have not achieved any milestones in our life, no matter we are not given much importance and attention in society, no matter we are not recognized as a valuable asset of society, but unless and until we are true to ourselves, we are at peace with ourselves and with society. Once we start pretending, it gives us happiness for sometime but in the long run, we lose peace of mind once and for all.

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