Life is an interminable series of enigmatic events. These events unfurl themselves sometimes in a mystifying manner and at other times quite unpredictably. This mysterious unpredictability is what makes life a beautiful challenge.
But life being a challenge is one thing and a person being equipped with befitting mechanism – physical and mental – to tackle these challenges is another thing.
Every individual walking on earth, irrespective of his potential, is always in an immediate need of a guide, a teacher, a mentor – an inspiration to keep trudging on the surprising paths of life.
Most of us may think that the guidance of a teacher is not necessary and one’s own intuitions will lead him to his goal. But most of the time, the case is otherwise; one gets stranded in the mazes of befuddlement, if not guided properly by a proper guide. It reminds me of a famous Persian quote:
“Moulvi Hargiz Na Shud Maula E Room, Ta Ghulaam E Shamas Tabreezi Na Shud.”
I find myself immensely fortunate to be a student; an apprentice of a master and a teacher, who from the days of my infancy till now held my hand tactfully and with his inspirational motivation made me to walk in tandem with his strides. I always wanted and still want to replicate his every style in all walks of life: from the way he dresses, the way he walks or talks, the way he teaches or indulges in debates and steals the show and everything which for me is indescribable.
Right from the days when rationality started to dawn on me and an incipient line of moustaches appeared above my lips till now when I am myself a teacher; whenever I encounter a problem, I knock at his door and never return dissatisfied. I envy beyond description, the inexplicable qualities he has mastered over the years and the quantum of patience he exhibits while dealing with any problem or situation – academic, social or domestic.
They say “In Plato, Socrates lived once again”, my preoccupancy with my teacher catapults me into a state of possessiveness and keeps feeding my resolution of being a replicate copy of my teacher. I wish someday I will achieve what I so badly yearn for!
My beloved teacher: you being my first teacher do not need me to scribble this compilation of praise for you. Contrary to that, it is the feeling of euphoria that has enveloped me like a warm blanket on a cold night. I am happy that after serving the society for more than three decades your inspiring career is about to reach its successful culmination and you are officially superannuating from the service.
So, with this hope that retirement won’t cause you to fade away rather you will continue to serve as an inspiration for many, I wish you a long, happy and healthy life. May Almighty shower his blessings upon you, and may he bless your sojourn here and hereafter.
Happy retirement Abu!
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