We – The Impulsive Actors!


The universe runs according to a basic scheme formulated by the Omnipotent Creator. When such Supreme Authority has formulated it, the scheme is bound to be flawless.

In this scheme, every destiny has its course which takes the specified time. It is justified to walk the entire course taking at least the minimum time required for it.

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No doubt, there are shortcuts available in many of the cases and we can reach at many destines and goals in lesser time. However, it is more fruitful to follow the rules of the game.

By doing so, one knows all the hazards and assurances of the journey; one knows that the road is dovetailed with many other highways exploring many future voyages. One who follows shortcuts in one road gets stranded in many others.

Man is a curious mixture of several characteristics and to complete the things at hand within a shortest possible time is surely a defining characteristic of man. There is nothing wrong in trying to achieve one’s ends soon. But trying to achieve them mostly by shortcuts is against the rules of the game.

Take an example of corruption, subversive activities or other vices plaguing our society. We take a hasty stand in every case. Follow it for few days, decimate everything in protest against it and then the result is same in every case; we forget even what the issue was. We forget everything with utmost ease! We take up issues with haste and we forget things with greater degrees of haste.

By treading one’s course this way is not conducive, for the one who does that eventually hurts none other than himself. This is what is called haste. We all advocate against it as we all are acquainted with the drastic repercussions of haste. Yet, the more we try to avoid haste, the more we fall prey to it because in certain cases haste seems to be the only way-out.

Amid this precarious drama, we forget the ways and mantras of doing things normally—which happens to be the best possible methodology for accomplishing one’s ends.

Associating this directly with the conundrums we are trapped in, the inferences hence obtained will confirm that we are hasty. We as individuals are hasty, we as a community are hasty and we as a nation are hasty. We were hasty then and we are hasty now.

Take an example of corruption, subversive activities or other vices plaguing our society. We take a hasty stand in every case. Follow it for few days, decimate everything in protest against it and then the result is same in every case; we forget even what the issue was. We forget everything with utmost ease! We take up issues with haste and we forget things with greater degrees of haste.

Haste, we think, is the solution to life threatening issues of our existence. But in reality, it is contrary to that. Haste is part of our every aspect be in family decisions, social issues and in deciding our careers.

We want things to get completed even without making any effort. We want to touch new heights even without climbing an inch. We want to cherish every luxury even without implying an iota of effort. This haste has messed up everything and there is chaos in every nook and cranny. We are clutched in such a directionless race everywhere and in every field that no one knows where to go eventually.

Every individual tries to take over the other irrespective of methods utilized. Most of the issues concerning us with a certain degree of urgency need a great deal of patience and perseverance but we seem to lack these things since the very beginning.

Finally, it is worth saying that we Kashmiris as a nation are surrounded by all sorts of afflictions which directly have their impact on our existence. So, the best way to deal with them is to devise a proper strategy and invest the most sincere efforts to achieve the logical ends. In case we fail to achieve those ends ourselves, the need is to pass the same to posterity.

The methodology should be followed in such a way that the next generation can start the course exactly from where we leave it. They should not be compelled, by our solecism, to restart from the point zero.

There is no goal which can’t be achieved by a collective human will. But haste renders all the efforts and wills worthless and therefore, haste should be shunned from every corner. Let’s hope for the best!

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