BANDIPORA — The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) on Thursday relieved its district president Bandipora after police lodged an FIR against him for collecting Rs one lakh from a family of a youth on the promise of securing his release.

“Abdul Rehman Tikri, District president, BJP Bandipora is relieved off of his responsibilities as district president, BJP Bandipora and all other party responsibilities with immediate effect,” reads an order signed by J&K BJP chief Ravinder Raina.

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Earlier, Tikri and Manzoor Ahmed, a Sarpanch, had unlawfully collected Rs. 1 lakh from the sister of an incarcerated youth on the promise of securing his release from police custody at Bandipora.

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The said amount has already been seized and an FIR No. 64 u/s 420 IPC has been registered in this regard.

However, the two accused are out on anticipatory bail as the investigation in the matter is currently going on.

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