Imran Raza Ansari resigns as General Secretary of JKPC

Imran Raza Ansari
Imran Raza Ansari (left) with Sajjad Gani Lone (right)

SRINAGAR — Senior political leader and former minister in the erstwhile State of Jammu and Kashmir, Imran Raza Ansari on Monday resigned from the post of General Secretary of Jammu and Kashmir Peoples Conference.

Imran Raza Ansari said, “As our party is growing and a lot of leaders have started joining the ‘caravan of change’, I have decided to resign from the post of General Secretary effective from today”.

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He said that their party is revamping and it should not seem that the party belongs to any particular person, it is open for everyone.

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“Good faces are likely to join Peoples Conference in the upcoming days,” Imran added.

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