JAMMU — On Wednesday, former Jammu and Kashmir Chief Minister Omar Abdullah said that talks cannot be held if attacks like Rajouri, Kokernag and Srinagar continue. He added India alone cannot be held responsible for ensuring a favourable atmosphere for talks but it is up to Pakistan who has to take tangible measures for peace.
“Talks can’t be held if attacks like Rajouri, Kokernag and Srinagar continue. There is a need to make atmosphere for talks and it is not the responsibility of India alone but Pakistan majorly, who has to take tangible measures for peace in the region,” Omar Abdullah said, as per the news agency KNS, while talking to reporters on the sidelines of an event held in Jammu.
He said Pakistan should come forward and fulfil its responsibility to make the atmosphere favourable for talks between the two neighbouring nations. “However, as per the current situation, there is no visible sign of making the atmosphere peaceful from the side of Pakistan.”
To a query, the former Chief Minister said, “I have put forth my point of view in the meeting of INDIA alliance. However, it is up to the alliance either to accept or reject my opinion. I have put forth my opinion. It is my right. I didn’t walk out or boycott the meeting. I just put forth my party’s stand. I didn’t thrust my opinion. It is my viewpoint. I am not retreating from my stand. Now it is up to the alliance either to accept or reject my opinion.”
He added, “If we have to overpower BJP, we should field united candidates in those areas where BJP has a chance to win.”
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