SRINAGAR — The aspirants who wish to undertake Haj journey during the year 2020-21 are being informed that the Haj Committee of India vide Circular No. 01 has invited online Haj Application Forms with effect from 7th of November, 2020.
As per a notification issued here, the aspirants are being informed that before filing the application form online, the concerned Haj aspirant/aspirants is/are hereby requested to go through the Provisional Haj Guidelines for Haj 2021 available at Haj Committee website.
The Haj aspirants are also being informed that the last date for submission of online Haj Application Form has been fixed as 10th of November, 2020.
The notification reads that the persons in the age group of 18 – 65 years can only apply for Haj 2021 (i.e., those applicants who have not completed the age of 18 years as on 07th of November 2020 and who have completed 65 years of age on or before 07th of November, 2020 cannot apply).
It is also informed that any person not in possession of Machine Readable International Passport issued on or before 10th of December, 2020 (Last Date of Submission of Online Haj Application Form) and having validity not at least upto 10th of January, 2022 cannot apply for Haj 2021.
It is further being informed that any person having performed Haj already through Haj Committee of India is not eligible for Haj 2021. However, a repeater shall be allowed to proceed for Haj as a Mehram of a female pilgrim if no other Mehram is available in the family, subject to the condition that the lady aspirant should not have performed Hajj till date.
It shall also be noted that in case a lady pilgrim cancels her pilgrimage, then the seat of male pilgrim (Mehram) gets cancelled automatically. The repeater will have to submit a declaration in the prescribed format attached to the guidelines.
Besides, those aspirants having severe medical ailments such as Terminal Cancers, Heart Condition, Comorbidities, Advanced Cardiac, Respiratory, Liver, or Kidney Diseases, Infectious Tuberculosis Disease, or Senility are strictly not allowed at this stage due to the prevailing COVID–19 situations.
The pregnant ladies, infants and children below the age of 18 years in view of Coronavirus pandemic are strictly restricted for Haj 2021 as of now.
The person against whom any Court Order prohibiting him/her to travel abroad exists can also not apply.
Due to the prevailing pandemic, the Cover Size has been reduced from five to three i.e., only three pilgrims can be accommodated in one cover. As such, the concerned aspirants shall plan their Cover Size accordingly.
The intending pilgrims have to make Haj Application Forms online only at the website of Haj Committee of India or through Android Mobile App “HAJ COMMITTEE OF INDIA” available on Google Play. Intending pilgrims shall have to upload the necessary documents as indicated in Haj Guidelines. No hard copies of handwritten/typed applications will be accepted by the J&K Haj Committee at this stage.
It is informed that for any clarification, the J&K Haj Committee shall be approached through the following telephone numbers during office hours: 0194-2495367 and 0194-2495365.
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