Moon not sighted, 1st Rabi-ul-Awal on Oct 19: Grand Mufti

Grand Mufti, Nasir-ul-lslam
File Photo

SRINAGAR — Kashmir’s Grand Mufti Nasir-ul-Islam on Saturday said that moon for the Rabi-ul-Awal (Islamic month) wasn’t sighted today and first Rabi-ul-Awal will be observed on October 19 while as 12th Rabi-ul-Awal (birth anniversary) of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) will fall on October 30.

Mufti Nasir said that the moon for Rabi-ul-Awal wasn’t sighted anywhere today. “So first Rabi-ul-Awal will be observed on October 19 and 12th Rabiul Awal, (Eid-e-Melaadun Nabi (SAW) will be celebrated on October 30,” said Mufti Nasir.

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He said today is the second last day of the ensuing Islamic month of Safar.

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