Srinagar: Hurriyat (M) chief Mirwaiz Umar Farooq on Friday said that those sitting in New Delhi who think that Kashmir problem will be resolved by killing all the militants forget that militancy is a reaction against repression.
“Each day young educated boys are being killed and there is a belief in some people sitting in New Delhi that once all of them are killed, the problem will be over. But those that think this forget that these boys took to arms as a reaction against repression and for the resolution of the dispute,” he said while addressing faithful at Jamia Masjid Srinagar after his release from 57-day house detention.
“…And as long as there is repression and force as a state response, while you may kill one, ten more will stand up. So killing them will not kill the sentiment as is evident in their funeral processions,” Mirwaiz said.
Mirwaiz said that for the past 70 years people of Kashmir are born, raised, live and die with the fact that Kashmir is a disputed place waiting for a final resolution.
He said that its foundation lies in the United Nations’ ratification through passing of resolutions to this effect and the commitment made by no less than the Prime Minister of India there.
“People of Jammu Kashmir are awaiting that final resolution to put an end to the uncertainty that they are victims of and which is the root cause of their immense sufferings, death and destruction and hatred among people of the subcontinent,” he said.
Mirwaiz said that resolution of the issue can always be reached provided there is a willingness to accept the facts and compassion, humanity and mutual respect among the parties involved while addressing the problem and a keenness to work towards real peace by all. “Aggression and repression can never resolve anything but only aggravate it,” he said.
Mirwaiz Umar said the agitation and protests by students in colleges and universities across the valley that forced the state to frequently shut them down, again indicates how the youth of Kashmir sees the situation and his reaction to it.
“Similarly, persecution of leadership through so called investigations and spreading lies and creating a huge propaganda through print, electronic and even social media against them, involving their families, friends and acquaintances, and harassing them in order to defame and intimidate leadership and demoralize people will also prove futile as people of Kashmir know such ploys and do not buy them. It will only worsen and complicate matters further,” he said.
“I once again appeal to all people in India to see Kashmir not as a piece of real estate nor as a territorial dispute between two hostile neighbours but as a human issue concerning hundreds of thousands of people and divided families hanging fire since the last 70 years, leading to great sufferings and loss of life on all sides that begs for a just resolution,” Mirwaiz Umar appealed.
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