Man asks Mumbai Police how can he meet his girlfriend amid COVID restrictions
Mumbai Police responds to man after he asked how he can meet his girlfriend amid COVID restrictions

SRINAGAR — A man asked Mumbai Police on Twitter which sticker should he use on his vehicle to go out and meet his girlfriend, after which the police responded.

In response to the man, Mumbai Police replied, “We understand it’s essential for you sir but unfortunately it doesn’t fall under our essentials or emergency categories! Distance makes the heart grow fonder and currently, you healthier. P.S. We wish you lifetime together. This is just a phase. #StayHomeStaySafe”.

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The development comes after Mumbai Police introduced a coloured-code system in order to drive anywhere amid the spike in cases of COVID-19 virus.

Vehicles with the designated colour stickers are the only ones who are allowed to be on the roads for a couple of weeks.

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