SRINAGAR — Kashmir based Bollywood Director Jaan Nissar Lone accused a police party of misbehaviour, saying he was ‘humiliated’ in front of his staff when he was on the way to Pari Mahal to click some photographs, a charge vehemently refuted by the police.
Jaan Nissar Lone said that he visits Kashmir frequently to ‘promote’ Kashmiri Culture and Sufism and for this, he gets active support from police and civil administration.
Lone said that he along with his cameraman and a lady artist were on way to Pari Mahal to take some photographs but was stopped near Botanical Garden Srinagar and ‘humiliated’ by a police party.
“I am intending to shoot a Sufi song in Kashmir Valley and for that purpose, I have selected a couple of locations. My Director back in Mumbai wanted me to send him some photographs of these locations. In order to take some photographs of these locations, I left for Pari Mahal but was stopped and humiliated by a police party. I felt embarrassed in front of my staff and didn’t visit Pari Mahal,” Lone said.
Lone, after this incident, in a series of tweets said that: “There is no end to atrocities on the streets in Kashmir. Amid Covid lockdown, I flew from Mumbai to Kashmir, a month ago, to shoot a Sufi song. To my utter disgust, I witnessed how common people are subjected to inhuman & atrocious treatment by few policewale.”
“We are already facing so much from all the sides. We have this deadly virus on the head. We are losing our dear ones. We are caged and those who dear to tred out for doing some basic job are subjected to inhuman treatment,” Jaan Nissar Lone tweeted.
A security official, when asked about the incident, termed the allegations completely baseless. He said that the vehicle was stopped and the man driving it failed to produce any movement or the permission pass to shoot at Pari Mahal.
“He not only argued and misbehaved with security men at check-point but also bragged about his proximity with top officials. We kept on pleading that this area is a high security zone and no one can be allowed to proceed without valid pass, but the subject was brimming with arrogance,” the officer said.
“After required security protocol, he was allowed to proceed,” the officer said, adding that despite misbehaving with security men, the said man in a series of tweets blamed the police of atrocious and inhuman treatment which is highly uncalled for.
“Police is for people and during the ongoing pandemic, it becomes imperative to discourage people from unnecessary movement. We are duty bound to uphold the law of the land and ensure security of the state,” the official added.
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