They will come for me, to get me, one day
They will pull the trigger, to kill me, one day
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They will ask me to say, “I am a terrorist”, one day
They will claim that, they got their man, one day
I will tell ’em, I am a Muslim, I will defeat you, one day
I am just asking back my freedom, which you snatched, one day
I can’t bear to be the slave, I will be free like Bilal, one day
I can’t see my brothers dying, I will stop burying my buds, one day
I can’t see mothers wailing, I will wipe off their tears, one day
I can’t bear sisters being teased, I will bring back their honour, one day
And if this yearning of mine is my crime, I am ready to face bullets, one day
And if your bullets are unable to silence me still, I may have come alive, one day
You can kill a voice, but you can’t kill a yearning, you will feel deafened, one day
You can silence a rebel but you cannot kill the rebellion, it will suck you in, one day
You will have to set me free, otherwise burden of crime will doom you down, one day
My people are dying for life, I will see them living in dignity, one day
I want my Freedom and I am going to snatch it back, one day
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