After shipping Akash, DataWind assures to courier Ubislate7+ at January end

New Delhi: The Canadian company, DataWind, manufacturing Ubislate7 (Aakash) & Ubislate7+ (Aakash2) tablets has assured on-time delivery of tablets. The company, through its official facebook page, announced that the shipping of Aakash has started & is currently being delivered in the order of bookings received by the company. The company revealed that the consumers, who have placed orders for the product, will be contacted through emails and phone calls prior to the delivery through courier. Also, multiple payment options will be provided to the consumers so as to enable them to choose the most prefered one. The update on its facebook page stated: “Deliveries of Aakash are currently in progress. If you ordered online and still have not heard from us, please bear with us for a little more time. By end of January we intend to contact everyone who ordered an Aakash. We are contacting you via email/phone in the order that your bookings were received by us. Once we contact you, you’ll be given the option to make your payment and Aakash will be shipped to you via a courier service. Aakash will continue to be shipped till stocks last.”

About the delivery schedule of upgraded version – Ubislate7+, the company maintained that launch & shipping will begin late this January & will continue through coming months. The company posted to facebook:
“Ubislate7+ will be launched (at the) end of January and its delivery will begin at that time. Anyone who ordered a Ubislate7+ will be contacted by us via email/phone in the order that we received your pre-bookings. Once we contact you, you’ll be given the option to make your payment and Ubislate7+ will be shipped to you via a courier service. Multiple payment options will be provided to you. If you have a booking ID, your order is confirmed and we will surely contact you. Deliveries will continue through the months of February and onwards. We are working with extreme urgency to build capacity and deliver you your Ubislate7+ tablets as soon as possible.”
The company has earlier failed to fulfill its commitment due to which it was subjected to severe criticism. Presently, the company is producing 3000 tablets per day and plans to set up two more manufacturing units to increase its productive capacity so as to accomplish what seems to be an uphill task. The message on DataWind’s official website also reflects the overwhelming response from the Indian consumers. The message also gives other important information related to customer support. The message reads:
Dear Friends,
Please allow me this opportunity to thank you personally for the encouragement and generous support you’ve been showing for the past many months. Along with you, we’re very excited by this journey on which we’ve embarked to bridge the digital divide, by delivering low-cost computing and internet devices at breakthrough prices.
The response has been overwhelming. While industry analysts were forecasting only 250,000 tablet computers for the Indian market in 2012, our pre-booking rate is now averaging over 100,000 individual end user sales each day and have cumulatively exceeded over two million. With tens of thousands of calls daily to our call-centre, we are unable to adequately respond to all the queries we are receiving. As we work with extreme urgency to build-up our response capacity, if you have difficulty in getting through to our toll-free number, please fill-in the query forms on this website or Email us at [email protected], and we will revert back to you at the earliest.
Thank you for your continued patience.

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  1. sir, i have booked ubislate+ last month and even paid amount for rs, 2,999 & sent Draft thru SBI Bank through register post as per your instructions so for no communication from your end my ID is PMC2F6B00111& my name is Mr, Anand kumar.u pls look into the matter and do the needful.

  2. sir, i have booked ubislate+ last month Jan 12 register post as per your instructions so for no communication from your end my ID is PMBB457E884F my name is Mr, Bhushan satpute .u pls look into the matter and do the needful.
    MR Bhushan satpute.u

  3. sir i have booked my ubislate7+ in January regarding your instruction i have not got my tab


  4. I think DATAWIND is a cheating with It's customer.I have booked my ubislate7+ and sent a demand draft of rs 2999.whenever I make them call,they say thatIt will launch on last week of the month and u will get ur device within first week of the next month. But still now I have not got mine.I m going to lodge a fraud-case against them. U guys should do same.SUJAY PAUL, WEST BENGAL

  5. Dear Sir,
    I have booked (Id-PM259FC0C9FD)ubislate7+ on 7th March 2012 and as per their advise over Email dt 15.03.12 prepayment was made by cheque on 19.03.12 and cheque encashed on 30.03.12 but no information/acknowledge has been received so far.
    Pls look into the matter and expediete urgent delivery.

  6. Mr Sujay Paul, you did not mention when did you book and when the prepayment was done.If delivery of the ubislate7+ is delayed by 2-3 months then we will definitely lodge complain at different level. I have also booked on 7.03.12 and paid on 19.03.12 (Id-PM259FC0C9FD) C.S.Dey Kolkata West Bengal


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