We are living in a modern world where everything is easily available. Everyday discoveries come into existence and scientists and inventors produce useful things which make our hard work easier than they were. We are capable to do everything in less time like washing clothes in five minutes used to take us hours.
Modern technology has led to an easy and beautiful life. Its effect can be seen clearly in the present generation as they are living an easier life than their parents. They are also very much educated and mature at an early age. They seem to have intelligence compared to their parents. But it is also true that if anything has a bright side, it also possesses a dark side and it matters in our present generation.
Our modern environment has good effects as well as bad effects on our generation. That’s why there is no doubt that our generation is suffering from depression, madness for fame and money, and concern for physical fitness and appearance. These are only because of maturity at an early age. There is no doubt that youth is depressed—fostering previous events in their mind and compacting in future thoughts.
Their madness for fame is such that they want to become famous at an early age. They don’t want to be known by their father’s name. They want their new identity, which makes their salient personality. It is right but an early age, it turns dangerous because of their vagueness and crudeness and due to this, they can be attracted to drugs. Their trance and imagination for luxury life result in failure in their careers.
Because everyone has fallen into their own greed, so today nothing is right and real just like the food is not pure. For better production, simple farmers use chemicals that give high production but no nutrients. Due to this, our generation has a deficiency of nutrients which gives them diseases like myopia, hypermetropia, hair fall, anemia, weak bones, etc. Low energy turns them lazy and that’s why they don’t take interest in the study, sports, tours, etc.
Similarly, they are very much worried about their appearance, since they are living in the modern world where new fashions and trends come into existence every day. This generation wants to follow these trends and in order to do so, they need money but not everyone can afford the same. It put them into another problem. They don’t sustain living with the old ones as it makes them feel uncomfortable. They want to show off to their friends, relatives, neighbours so that their rank would be high.
The previous generation was not as bad as we think. They were also very happy in other ways. They might be suffering from many difficulties but those difficulties were beneficial for them. Though they know the reality of people clearly, these things matter to them. Our old generation was not as unlucky as we think in view of the modern world because they were free from these things. Their life was also easy in their view. Hard life didn’t matter and our generation is suffering from many things which make them forget their luckiness.
How can they get out of these things? What should be done? First, depression and anxiety are bad results of feelings and emotions. These are the result of extraordinary pain. But to overcome these, it should be fixed in the minds of the present generation that the past has gone and the future is coming but the present is in their hands.
At the present, there are many opportunities and ways to correct the mistakes of the past as well as to make the future better and satisfied. They should remove the thoughts which make them feel sad. During these times, they should not be alone. They should stay where they can find happiness and enjoy themselves. If parents want to get their children out of this situation, they should ask them about their problems and reassure them that nothing is so wrong that can’t be corrected.
Secondly, their intense feelings for fame need to be practical. It depends upon their condition and what type of fame they want. If they want to become famous in their career, put positive thoughts in their minds and encourage them but if they want to become famous with a bad attitude, action should be taken to desist them.
Similarly for money, these people should be told that money is not everything. If they have enough money for their needs, then they are happy and if they can make more money along with their happiness, that’s fine. But it should not be necessarily acquired with trouble and killing happiness. If they are unemployed, tell them that in modern society, they can do their own business easily. To do so, they can get the initial investment by taking loans.
Thirdly, as far as health problems are concerned, they should be aware that apart from money and fame, health should be taken care of because money and fame can be owned by a person when he is healthy but health cannot be made by money or fame so they should eat healthily and breathe fresh air. Since today’s food is not healthy, so they can get nutrition by taking nutritional pills according to their need.
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