May I have the audacity
to ask the Almighty
In this subjective world
full of erratic birds

Why a universal day for Eid
for varying factions and creeds
when one is elated, the other one bleeds
sown so deep are divisive seeds

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Where no one is up to pay any heed
and to take the lead
to coalesce and rally the human breed
around the premise of humanity, sans any greed
of worldly gains or eternal needs

Kashmiri MP urges NTA to reschedule UGC-NET exams clashing with Eid-ul-Adha

Quixotic quest should guide our deeds
And for Eid,
Why is it no more synonymous to joy
Utter I this with chagrin and sigh
Has the God run out of bliss?

The last I enjoyed Eid, I can’t reminisce
He’s never short of anything, nor substance
Let me ponder and have a chance
To check His relation with His men and glance
Upon His romance

What I found
was truly profound
“It’s on His men whom He enjoins
to spread the bliss as one of His signs”
But with every Eid, these men are sedate
reckoning themselves the masters of good fate
Let alone the spread of bliss, they berate
Whatever bliss we have, they tend to confiscate

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