CET-2016: Important Instructions for Candidates

J&K Board of Professional Entrance Examinations (JK BOPEE) Common Entrance Test (CET)


Tele/Fax: 0194-2433760, 2433590, 2437647 (Srinagar): 0191-2479371, 2470102 (Jammu) Website: http://www.jakbopee.org, Email: [email protected]

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Important Instructions for CET-2016 Candidates

All the candidates of CET-2016 are hereby informed to take note of the following instructions.

(i) The CET will be held on 14th and 15th (Saturday and Sunday) May 2016 at the designated Test Centres of Jammu and Srinagar with only one meeting on Saturday and two meetings on Sunday.

(ii) Only Electronic Admit Cards are available for CET-2016.

(iii) Candidates should download the same from the 8th of May, 2016 from the official websites of BOPEE viz. http://www.jakbopee.net (through URLs Provided for this purpose) ONLY.

(iv) Paper–A (Physics and Chemistry) shall have 120 questions to be attempted in 120 minutes.

(v) Paper–B (Biology) and Paper–C (Mathematics) shall have 60 questions each of 60 minutes duration.

(vi) The reporting time for morning sessions on Saturday and Sunday is 10:25 AM and for the afternoon session on Sunday is 01:25 PM.

(vii) The candidates must necessarily bring their Admit Card to Test Centre along with valid additional Photo Identity Proof which includes the Identity Card of the school, Adhar Card, PAN Card, Election Card, Driving License, Passport etc.



Morning Session

Work Schedule

10:25 AM

Reporting time in the Examination Hall

10:30 AM

The invigilator shall ascertain the identity of each candidate by comparing his/her facial appearance with the photographs given on the admit card, and attendance sheet. The centre Superintendent shall also check the identity of the candidates and ensure that only the genuine candidates have been allowed to sit in the examination hall and there is no case of impersonation.

10:45 AM

Candidates will be given OMR Answer Sheets. They will go through the instructions on the Answer Sheet.

10:55 AM

They will be given Quesiton Booklet. The Question Booklet number is to be entered on the Answer Sheet.

11 AM

They will break open the seal of the Question Booklet and start attempting the questions.

1 PM

Paper-A ends

The candidates will remain in their seats till they hand over the Answer Sheets to the invigilator and leave the examination hall only when they are asked to do so.

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Day Two [Paper-‘B’ – BIOLOGY] & Paper-‘C’ – MATHEMATICS]

Morning Session [Paper ‘B’]

Evening Session [Paper ‘C’]

Work Schedule

10:25 AM

1:25 PM

Reporting time in the Examination Hall

10:30 AM

1:30 PM

The invigilator shall ascertain the identity of each candidate by comparing his/her facial appearance with the photographs given on the admit card, and attendance sheet. The centre Superintendent shall also check the identity of the candidates and ensure that only the genuine candidates have been allowed to sit in the examination hall and there is no case of impersonation.

10:45 AM

1:45 PM

Candidates will be given OMR Answer Sheets. They will go through the instructions on the Answer Sheet.

10:55 AM

1:55 PM

They will be given Quesiton Booklet. The Question Booklet number is to be entered on the Answer Sheet.

11 AM

2:00 PM

They will break open the seal of the Question Booklet and start attempting the questions.

12 Noon

3:00 PM

Papers B & C End
The candidates will remain in their seats till they hand over the Answer Sheets to the invigilator and leave the examination hall only when they are asked to do so.

(x) The candidates must make absolutely sure that the entries made on the OMR Answer and Attendance Sheets are correct. Where a candidate has made any wrong entry of Roll No., Booklet No., or Booklet Series, he/she should report it to the Invigilator / Superintendant or report it within three days after the conclusion of the Entrance Test to the BOPEE office, Jammu/Srinagar positively, failing which no complaint shall be entertained and the OMR Answer Sheet shall be evaluated strictly as per the entries made by the candidate.

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(xi) The candidates should not bring any electronic gadgets to the Test Centre.

(xii) The candidates should darken only one response on the OMR Sheet. There is a negative marking of 0.25 for each wrong answer. Avoid double shading of Ovals or putting of stray or faint marks on the Oval in the response sheet. Even shading of one Oval completely and another Oval partly / faintly is considered a case of double shading which will make the response wrong even if a fully shaded Oval is the correct option.

(xiii) The BOPEE shall make the answer key available on its website in the evening at the conclusion of the last meeting of the examination for candidates to make representation if any. The candidates can make representation, if any, against any question in the question paper on the prescribed format accompanied by a fee of rupees 500 (five hundred) per paper within a period of three working days up to 04:00 P.M. after the conclusion of the Entrance Test. The representations should be supported by documentary proof, based on standard textbooks. The material downloaded from the Internet will not be accepted as it is uploaded without any editorial review. The revised key, if required, will be uploaded on the website for general information but no representation will be entertained against the revised key. The revised key will be applied for evaluation of all the Answer Sheets including Answer Sheets of those candidates who have not made any representation.

(xiv) There is no provision for re-evaluation. However, re-totalling of marks will be allowed on written request by depositing rupees 1000 at POS at BOPEE office, Jammu/Srinagar. The application will be received within 05 (five) days after the declaration of the result. Any application received after this date shall not be entertained.

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