SRINAGAR — The Jammu & Kashmir State Board of School Education has issued a notification announcing that the candidates of Class 11th from Kashmir Division can apply for Re-Evaluation from today onwards.
“It is notified for information of all the eligible candidates of Higher Secondary Part-1st Examination (Class 11th), Annual, Regular, 2018 of KASHMIR DIVISION desirous of obtaining the Xerox copy/ies of their Answer Script/s and getting their Answer Scripts Re-Evaluated should apply online for the same on JKBOSE official website www.jkbose.ac.in and the link for the same shall open from 17-02-2019,” reads the official notification.
The last date for the submission of online applications for obtaining the Xerox of Answer Script/s is 25th of February 2019 and for the Re-Evaluation of Answer Script/s is 7th of March 2019.
After filling the form, the candidate/s can deposit the fee either online or download Bank Challan and deposit the fee in any nearby J&K Bank Branch/Business Unit and keep the payment counter for his/her own record and reference and the candidate should not visit the Board Office for the submission of same.
Further, the lists for collection of Xerox copies of the Answer Scripts shall be uploaded in a phased manner on the JKBOSE website.
Meanwhile, the Board has also announced that all concerned candidates of Kashmir Division who have been declared Re-Appear in one or more than one subject/s in the Annual Regular Examination 2018 that they shall be provisionally allowed to continue their studies for the next class viz. 11th and 12th as the case may be till the result of the Bi-Annual 2018-19 examination is declared.
The notification read, “Apropos to the subject cited above and in consonance with the notification No: F(Acad-C)Adms/XI-X11/18; Dated: 24-09-2018 issued by the Director Academics, it is hereby notified for information of all concerned candidates of Kashmir Division who have been declared re-appear in one or more than one subject/s in the Annual Regular Examination 2018 that they shall be provisionally allowed to continue their studies in next class viz. 11th and 12th as the case may be till the result of the Bi-Annual 2018-19 examination is declared.”
It further read that in case the candidate/s fail to pass their re-appear subject/s in the Bi-Annual 2018-19 examination, his/her provisional admission shall stand cancelled automatically and only those candidates who will be declared successful in all the compulsory subjects shall be eligible for regularization of the admission.
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Exam Aana wla ha 11th ka datesheet aagyi ha result kb ho gya sir
Hamara result ganda kyun aya sir