JKSSB Syllabus for Executive Officer posts in H&UD Department


Srinagar: Jammu & Kashmir Services Selection Board has released the JKSSB Syllabus for Executive Officer posts in Housing & Urban Development Department.

Pertinently, the Housing & Urban Development Department had advertised 22 posts (13 posts in Kashmir Division and 09 posts in Jammu Division) of Executive Officers in Urban Local Bodies of Jammu / Kashmir, vide Notification No. 01-HUD of 2015; Dated: 01-09-2015; and also notified the selection criteria in the above said notification.

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Subsequently, the Housing & Urban Development Department vide its Corrigendum Notice No. HUD/LSG/ULBJK/08/14; Dated: 13-03-2018 has decided to conduct Written Examination for the posts of Executive Officers through J&K Services Selection Board without assigning any weight-age to any of the criteria mentioned in the original advertisement notice.

The Housing & Urban Development Department has now forwarded the database of the candidates who have already applied for the said posts in terms of the original advertisement.

As such, the candidates who have applied for the said posts are hereby informed that JKSSB will conduct Computer based or OMR based Written Exam for the said posts after June, 2018 (with an advance notice of at least 15 days).

There will be Objective Type written test comprising of 120 Questions with each question carrying 1 mark. There shall be negative marking also (0.25 for each wrong answer). The duration of the exam will be 2 hours.

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The exam will be conducted as per the JKSSB Syllabus for Executive Officer posts in H&UD Department provided on our news portal below.

Reference Guidelines & Syllabus
120 Marks / 120 Minutes / 120 Questions

UNIT- I: General English (15 Marks)

The section aims to test the correct understanding of General English of the candidates. The questions will be asked to test the knowledge of Tenses, Narration, Models, Articles, Comprehension, Phrases, Pronouns, Homonyms / Homophones, Synonyms and Antonyms, Pairs of words and their use in meaningful sentences, Idioms and Phrases etc.

Unit-II: General Knowledge & Current Affairs – State, National & International (30 Marks)

As the name suggests, the Section aims to test the general awareness of the candidates. A candidate is expected to be aware of the current happenings around him at local, national and international level. The questions will cover areas such as Political, Social, Entertainment, Sports, Economic, Science and Technology, Business. The conventional topics which will be covered are History of India and J&K with special focus on Modern Indian History. Questions pertaining to Geography, Polity and Economics of India and J&K will also be asked.

UNIT-III: Environment & Ecology (15 Marks)

This section aims to test the awareness of candidates to the issues pertaining to our environment and surroundings. The broad topics which will be covered in this section will include Sources of Energy, Non-Conventional Sources of Energy, Natural Resources, Pollution, Green House phenomena and effects of Global Climatic Change, Water related issues in the country, Natural Disasters and their mitigation.

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UNIT-IV: Urban Development & Related Topics (30 Marks)

The unit aims to check the job related suitability of the candidates. The candidate is expected to be aware of the issues and challenges facing the country in the process of Urbanisation. The candidate is also expected to be aware of the initiatives of the Governement to address these challenges. The major problems associated with urbanisation, reasons for rapid urbanisation in India, Major Urban Centers, Schemes and Initiatives of Government of India, Policies and Documents on Urban issues like Sanitation, Housing, Mobility, Health, Education etc will be the broad topics covered in this section.

Unit-V: Mental Ability Test (15 Marks)

 Number Series
 Letter Series
 Coding Decoding
 Direction Sense
 Blood Relations
 Mathematical Reasoning
 Speed, Distance and Time
 Statements and Conclusions
 Logical Reasoning
 Mental Reasoning

Unit-VII: Computer Applications (15 Marks)

 Fundamentals of Computer Sciences
 Hardware & Software
 Input and Output Devices
 Operating System
 M.S Word, M.S Excel, M.S Access and Powerpoint Presentation
 E-mail & Internet

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